Part 23 - Actor Or Racer?

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On Friday's morning, the YiZhan family are having their breakfast together.

"Fanxing, what time should I come later?", Yibo.

"You'll really come?", Fanxing is excited.

"Of course, so tell me", Yibo.

"You must be in my class at 10", Fanxing.

"Okay, what should I do", Yibo.

"Teacher said it's sharing session. You need to introduce yourself and tell us your occupation. Then, what did you do when you're working", Fanxing.

"My occupation, huh. I have a lot of works, what should I share?", Yibo.

"Gege, just tell them that you're an actor", Zhan.

"Why? Because it's how we meet?", Yibo.

"What?! N- No! It's just... Easier", Zhan.

"Can I tell them that I'm a professional motorbike racer, baby?", Yibo.

"Yeah, anything you like", Zhan.

"Yes, tell them that, daddy", Fanxing.

"See, our son love me as a racer more than an actor. Why are you dislike the idea?", Yibo.

"When did I ever said that? I said do anything you like", Zhan use high tone.

"Are you still angry because I always ignore you when I'm racing? Come on, baby, don't sulk", Yibo.

"I'm not", Zhan pouts.

"Aww, I love you the most, wifey. I always remembering you even when I'm racing. I just need to focus when I'm on that", Yibo kiss him his cheek.

"You sure know how to talk", Zhan.

"It's true, baby. Cheer up, smile for me", Yibo. Zhan smiles to Yibo as he ask and Yibo kiss him on a lips.

Then Zhan push him away, "Not in front of Fanxing, you idiot".

"Hahaha, okay. Let's continue later", Yibo laugh and embrace Zhan's waist.

Zhan roll his eyes and ignoring his husband. He then told Fanxing to finish his breakfast before going out. Fanxing goes to school with their driver as usual. After Fanxing went to his school, Yibo playing online game to kill his time. When he finish his game, it's already half pass nine. So, he quickly take a shower and riding his motorbike in rush. He was a little bit late, when he arrived at Fanxing's class, he apologized to the teacher and went to stand behind the class. Some parents seem to recognize him.

When it's his turn to share, he go to the front and introduce himself as Fanxing's guardian. He told the children that he is a professional racer.

"You look like an actor", kid 1.

"Yes, he look like Wuji from Unnamed Love the series", kid 2. The series was aired multiple times, like almost every 2 years. That's why, the kids know the series.

"Well, you're correct kids. That is indeed me", Yibo.

"So you're an actor, not a racer", kid 1.

"I have a lot of jobs, little friend. I'm an actor, model, spoke person, singer, dancer, dance instructor and professional racer", Yibo.

"Wow, you must be busy", kid 3.

"That's right, I'm super busy. That's why you can't call Fanxing as someone without parents or his parents didn't love him. We love him, we work hard to raise him. Right, Fanxing?", Yibo.

"Yes, you guys are the best", Fanxing.

"You're not his parent. Don't act like you are his dad", parent.

"Maybe I'm not his dad, but my partner is", Yibo.

"What??", The parent is confused.

"Do you know Xiao Zhan?", Yibo.

"He play as Wuxian in Unnamed Love, right?", Kid 2.

"You're right. He is Fanxing's dad", Yibo.

"Woah, super cool", kid 2.

"But why are they don't look alike? Their surname is different too", kid 3.

"That's because he was adopted when he was 5 years old. So he looks neither like me or him", Yibo.

"Stop telling lies, how do you know that? And why are you here?", Parent.

"Why are you so angry, madam? Calm down. I'm his guardian, that's why I'm here", Yibo.

"If you're telling the truth, it should be Xiao Zhan, not you. Zhan never said anything about his "adopted" son. How can I believe you", parent.

"Maybe because you're not his fan. He indeed adopted him. You better believe it", Yibo.

"You just spoke nonsense. He didn't adopted anyone, it just a rumor", parent.

"It's the truth. We indeed adopted him because of those rumors", Yibo.

"Nonsense, Zhanzhan would never adopted someone like him. He is not that cute nor handsome like my son", parent.

"You talk too much, auntie. You're rude to my daddy and talk bad about papa. Papa love me, he treat me nicely. Yes, I'm adopted but I'm happy with them. I love them, my life with them is better than when I'm in the orphanage", Fanxing stand up and start to shout at the lady.

The lady was shocked and speechless while Yibo walk towards Fanxing and hugs him. "Sweetie, you can't be rude to your elder. She knows nothing about us", Yibo try to coax him.

"But she", Fanxing try to defense himself.

"Enough, Fanxing. Listen to me. Be a good boy okay?", Yibo.

"Okay, I'm sorry daddy", Fanxing sit down and seems to calm down a bit.

"Good boy", Yibo ruffles Fanxing's hair.

Yibo want to walk away after he apologizes to the teacher about the argument, but Fanxing stop him. Fanxing look at Yibo with a sad eyes and ask.

"Daddy, are you mad at me?", Fanxing.

Yibo smiles, kneel down and answered him, "I'm not, sweetie. You're a good kid. I'm proud of you because you're defending me and papa. But you're also rude, papa dislike rude person, right?".

"Papa dislike me?", Fanxing.

"No, papa love you. But, you must behave yourself after this. Promise me, okay?", Yibo.

"Promise! I love you both", Fanxing hugs Yibo, then Yibo hugs him back.

"We love you too, sweetie", Yibo said after he broke the hug while cupping his cheeks.

Yibo walk to the back of the class and talk to the lady before stand at his previous place. "Sister, I'm sorry about that. My son is too sensitive when it come to family. Yes, you heard me right. I'm his dad too. I don't think I should explain more about it, but you need to know that me and Zhanzhan are together".

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