Part 21 - Waipo & Nainai

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After a few months, Xiao Zhan's mother come to their house as planned. He started to take care of Fanxing a week before he went to school.


Zhan's mother arrived at late evening that day. Both Zhan and Yibo are at home and getting ready to sleep while Fanxing is already asleep. The next morning, Fanxing was shocked when he saw an unfamiliar person in their house.

"Papa, what are we going... To... Eat?", Fanxing only realized Zhan's mother after he reaches at the dining table.

"We're going to eat pancakes today. Here, it's yours", Zhan take Fanxing's plate and give it to Fanxing.

Fanxing eat the pancakes while watching Zhan's mother.

"Are you looking at me, little boy?", Zhan's mom.

"Erm, who are you? Why are you here?", Fanxing.

"Fanxing, don't be rude. She is my mom, your waipo (maternal grandma). She will help me and daddy to look after you. Say sorry to waipo", Zhan.

"Waipo, I'm sorry. I'm being rude", Fanxing said slowly.

"Aww, it's okay. You're a good kid after all, you're just being aware", waipo.

"Waipo, how old are you? You look aged but still pretty", Fanxing.

"It's a secret, honey. Eat your breakfast", waipo.

"Oh, yeah. I just noticed it when Fanxing said it out loud. Your mom did look pretty, your dad is handsome too. So, I think you must be still looking cute even when you're old", Yibo.

"How can you said that to someone older? Have you got no shame, Yibo?", Zhan.

"It's true. Isn't my baby is cute?", Yibo said while grinning and pinch Zhan's cheek.

"I'm not", Zhan pouting.

Yibo caress the area where he pinch just now while saying, "you're the cutest, baby".

Zhan ignoring him and continue to finish his breakfast. Yibo was displeased by that and start to make a move. He hold Zhan's face and kiss him on the lips. Zhan was shocked and push Yibo away.

"Yibo! I told you not to do that in front of Fanxing. My mom is here too", Zhan whispered.

Yibo move closer and said, "You start it, baby. And you need to be punish for ignoring your husband".

Zhan was blushes and stay silent. Seeing that, Yibo stand up and ask an excuse from there. He then drag Zhan with him away.

Yibo kiss him passionately right after they enter their room. Then he pins him on the bed.

"Look like someone got excited", Yibo touch Zhan's didi and he let out a soft moan.


Fanxing is eating his breakfast unbotherly while waipo is shocked seeing the scene. He knew that they're in love but doing that in front of a little kid and an old woman, specifically his son and mother-in-law, Yibo is sure a bold one.

Waipo look at Fanxing and he seem to be really unbother by that. So, she asks him, "Fanxing, did you not seeing what happened just now?".

"I saw it, daddy do it all the time. He will suddenly kiss and hug Papa everytime. Papa always mad at daddy after whenever he is aware that I'm around them", Fanxing answers his grandma's question and continue eating his breakfast.

"And you're okay with it?", Waipo ask unbelievably.

"It was weird at first but then I'm just adapt to it. There's nothing I can do anyway. Daddy said, he did that because he loves papa", Fanxing.

"Are you really 6 years old? You're so matured", Waipo.

"Daddy said it too. Waipo, are you done eating? I'm done", Fanxing.

"Oh, not yet. You can go first if you're done", Waipo.

"Waipo, do you want me to take you for a house tour?" , Fanxing.

"Oh, I love to", Waipo.

"Okay, I'll wait for you", After saying this sentence, Fanxing going down his chair and bring his plate to the sink and wash his hands. He walk back to his place after that.

"Waipo, do you know my nainai (paternal grandma)?", Fanxing.

"Yes, we knew each other. But, we're not close", Waipo.

"Why?", Fanxing.

"We only knew each other because our sons are together. But we never met each other", Waipo.

"Is she a nice person? I want to meet her", Fanxing.

"You'll meet her soon. We're taking turn taking care of you", Waipo.

"Taking turn??", Fanxing.

"Yes, taking turn means rotate. I'll take care of you for 6 months, then she will come and replace me. After 6 months, I'll come and replace her back. The circle keep going until you wouldn't need us anymore", Waipo.

"Ahh, I see", Waipo.

After waipo is done doing dishes, Fanxing taking her for a tour as promised. Then, they're playing at Fanxing's playhouse.

"This playhouse is huge. Are you usually playing here alone?", Waipo.

"No, I'll come here with daddy or papa. Papa will scold me if I'm here alone. Waipo, do you know that papa is really scary when he's angry?", Fanxing.

"He is? I've no idea. He is such a sweet son", Waipo.

"Papa is nice and caring too. Daddy is the one who always scold me and ignoring me but when papa is angry, he is scarier than daddy", Fanxing.

"Really? I would like to see that", Waipo.

"No, waipo. You can't, when he is angry, he will shout and be mad about everything and didn't cook for the whole day", Fanxing.

"Does your daddy cook then?", Waipo.

"No, daddy can't cook. He only ordered food for me", Fanxing.

"At least, you have a food to eat, right? Don't worry, I'll cook for you if your papa angry", Waipo.

"Yeah... Oh, you can cook too? Is it as tasty as papa's cooking?", Fanxing.

"I think so. I'm the one who teach him on how to cook, you know", Waipo.

"So you must be a great chef, right?", Fanxing.

"It's just usual", Waipo.

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