Chapter Two: Dress Shopping and Lunch

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After picking out her Maid of Honor dress and knowing what needed to be altered for the wedding in just a few short weeks, D'Kyla made Alexya pick what dress she was going to go with and get it sized properly. It didn't take much time since it was almost a perfect fit. They paid with her husband-to-be's credit card -by his demand- before she was dragged into a lingerie store. Her best friend knew she hated the idea of doing anything for that man's satisfaction but insisted she do it just for fun.

They spent hours getting her all kinds of crazy little outfits and apparently changed her entire bedtime wardrobe for her future martial status. The more Alexya though about it, the more afraid she got of the man she'd yet to meet. She didn't know whether he was ugly, fat, or the least bit attractive. He could be a pervert that prey on young girls but D'Kyla insisted that he wasn't bad and was very built, worked out 4 times a week.

"You really need to relax, have a drink or something," D'Kyla informed her days later as they sat in some fancy restaurant waiting on D'Kyla's mother to get there with the wedding planner to get the finishing touches for the wedding that was in a week's time, give or take a day or two.

"I can't relax when I'm practically selling my soul to the devil and having his spawns," she hissed. Hurt flashed in D'Kyla's eyes. "I'm sorry Kyla, I didn't mean it like that. I'm just really stressed."

"It's okay, you're stressed and nervous about the life and responsibilities put on your twenty one year old shoulders," she smiled before they hugged. They held onto one another until D'Kyla's mother showed up.

"Don't the two of you look gorgeous! I can't believe you're marrying my son, your babies are going to be the cutest things in the world," she gushed. D'Kyla explained that her parents were married but separated. They hadn't been together for years but she wasn't allowed to leave him, which Alexya thought was just plain unethical. The men in their family were clearly too demanding and overpowering.

Alexya blushed. "Hi Mrs. Catello."

"Alexya, you know the wedding planner Barbara Pinasco, Barb this is my future daughter-in-law Alexya Brambati," she greeted as they all got comfortable in their seats. "Oh and of course my own daughter D'Kyla -the maid of honor- Catello is here as well," she smiled proudly.

"So ladies, we have everything set for you and all that is left is your last fitting which you've just done, am I right?" Barbara asked.

"We just did that and they'll be sent to the house where we'll get ready," D'Kyla answered for her. "the make-up and hair stylists will be coming the morning of and there's a spa day planned the day before."

"Have you packed her things for their honeymoon?" Mrs. Catello asked and D'Kyla nodded. "She still doesn't know where they're going?"

D'Kyla glanced at her best friend. "No she doesn't, he told me I couldn't tell or else."

"Good, it'll be a good surprise then!" She clapped her hands excitedly. Alexya thought she was strange with her over joyous behavior even though she knew it was a forced marriage.

She hadn't spoken to her father much since he told her about the arranged marriage even though he tried a few times. Alexya was merely focused enough to care about what he had to say to her.

The waitress came by with their bill and they all left their separate ways. D'Kyla shared an apartment with her so they went home to finish their packing. They'd only lived on their own for about two years and they were already having to move out and go back to living in the houses of others. Since Alexya was being married, she was being forced to live in the house with her 'husband'. D'Kyla isn't allowed to live alone so she has to move back into the house with her. They didn't trust her with any other friend so they said she didn't have a choice either.

"Come cuddle with me woman!" D'Kyla yelled from Alexya's bedroom. She'd been in the kitchen, finishing up all the things they were giving to charities and the orphanage. D'Kyla was one of the biggest cuddle bugs you'd ever meet and she hated sleeping alone most nights so the two were always in the same bed.

"Hold on! I'll be there in a minute," she yelled back and put the tape on the box she just marked as 'orphanage' with their address. She set the taper on the table and turned the light off, walking into her room to see D'Kyla flipping through channels and eating popcorn. All the girl ever did was eat! It was a good thing they both knew how to cook.

"Hurry. You look sexy in that nightie by the way," she winked and turned on Alexya's favorite American movie 'The Unborn'. She climbed in and turned off the lamp before laying down.

They were halfway through the movie when D'Kyla asked, "Do you think everything will be changed now? Like between the two of us since we won't be able to do things like girls' night and such anymore."

"I'm not going to abandon you Ky, don't ever think that. Just because I'm going to be getting hitched doesn't mean I'll put your crazy brother before you or anyone for that matter. Hell I've never even met the man and I feel hatred the size of the pacific towards him."

She laughed. "You're one crazy half black, half Italian."

"And don't you forget it!" Alexya joked. She was glad she'd lifted her friend's worries for the time being. Now we just have to attempt to move me from my own, she thought as they got comfy and fell asleep.

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