Chapter Three: Clubbing before the Wedding

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"Alex!" D'Kyla yelled from the living room. "You have a phone call."

She stared at the reflection in the mirror, the woman stared back. Who could be calling her and why so late? Alexya finished applying her mascara and then lip gloss before declaring herself ready. They were going out since she would be a married woman come this time tomorrow, the two wanted to have their own personal celebration.

Alexya was wearing an off the shoulder cocktail dress in a deep purple that stopped about mid thigh and dipped just above the crack of her ass, showing all of the tattoos she had covering the back half of her body. She'd put on some tall gold pumps and straightened her usually wavy brown locks, letting it flow down her back.

"Who is it?" She asked as she entered the living room. D'Kyla stood in a deep, blood red cocktail dress with the same low back and black stilettos.

"I don't know," D'Kyla replied as she finished applying the smokey eye affect to her eyes matched with red lipstick.

Alexya sighed before picking up their house phone. "Hello?"

"I don't think I like the idea of you going out to clubs," a deep voice spoke sending shivers of pure unadulterated pleasure down her spine. She clenched her thighs and bit her lip, glancing at her best friend.

"Excuse me?" Her voice came out slightly breathless, she was not expecting whomever it was on the phone. Who the hell was this?

"I don't want you going out tonight or any night for that matter," the caller replied calmly.

"Well, you're not in control of me and I'm a legally grown woman, who can drink and party all she wants. I'll go wherever I damn well please," she remarked feeling slightly pissed off. Who the fuck was this guy, talking like he owned her?

"Do you really believe that matters much, darling?" His response -though still calm- sounded really arrogant and cocky.

"Look bud, you don't run my life! who the hell do you think you are?" Alexya yelled. D'Kyla -who'd been listening the entire time- gave her a strange look.

"Well Ms. Alexya Brambati, I am Dimitri Catello, the man you'll be marrying tomorrow," he said smoothly.

Alexya instantly felt her veins run cold, her heart stopping in fear before beating erratically. "D-Dimitri?" She whispered, eyes wide as she stared at D'Kyla. They both looked scared shitless.

"The one and only darling," he chuckled. It was a deep, smooth chuckle that caressed your skin, just like his voice. "Now that the introductions are done and over with and everything is clear, you will be staying home tonight."

She laughed, forgetting her fear. "That was cute. I'll see you tomorrow Mr. Catello."

"You should heed my warning, darling," his voice held one of those warnings children knew not to disobey but she wasn't a child and wasn't his wife yet so he wasn't about to tell her what to do.

"And you should kiss my ass," she snapped before hanging up. She looked at D'Kyla, "Ready to go babes?"

"Are you okay? What'd my brother say?" She asked with concern. Alexya told her as they drove to a club called The Smokey Lounge. She glanced at Alexya, " Do you just wanna go back home? We can, he sounded like he was serious."

"No, we're already here. Even if he was deadly serious, he can shove it for the night," she smirked as she kissed the bouncer on the cheek and dragged her inside.

Everywhere you looked were dancing bodies and the music was blasting. D'Kyla pulled her over to the bar where they began to get drinks. The two laughed and took body shots off of one another, gaining lots of male attention.

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