Chapter Fifteen: Why Can't You Just Be Here?

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"I just wanna know why you're so damn arrabbiato! And with me!" Dimitri snapped. "I've been here three days to spend with you and you won't even quarda me cara. What's going on?"  [Angry; look at me darling]

"Everything's fine Dimitri," she recited in the same boring tone she'd used before.

He growled in anger, grabbing her arms and turning her to face him. "Quardami quando stai mentendo a me!" [Look at me when you're lying to me!]

She jumped slightly, meeting his eyes with a glare of her own. Anger, red hot and branding was all she could feel. But, why argue? She was almost certain he wouldn't give her the right answers. "Sei malato Dimitri?" [Are you sick Dimitri?]

He stumbled back slightly as if she'd slapped him. "What do you mean?"

"Don't!" She snapped before inhaling deeply. "Don't lie to me or so help me, I will kill you myself! Voglio la verità!!" [I want the truth!!]

", I am," he sighed, catching her as she swayed on her feet. "Get back in bed, you need rest!"

"What I need, is a husband who doesn't lie to me, hide things from me. Will I ever have that?"

"I cannot promise you that," he sighed.

"Then leave," she spoke calmly. "If you cannot be truthful for the sake of your wife and child, then there is no reason for you to be here. There is no reason to ever show your face again, leave us here and never come back."

"No!" He snapped back as he pulled her unto him. "I will not let you leave me and I'm not going anywhere! We will work this out like adults Alexya."

"Adults with no trust?" She spoke incredulously. "Adults with no love? No faith in one another? Tell me how you see that happening."

"I will tell you everything once I know I am better," he promised as he caressed her face and placed her head on his bare chest.

"Fuck that and fuck you," she spoke through clenched teeth. "Stay the hell away from me and mio figlio!" [My son]

He held her until she stopped fighting him. Why was he always having to restrain his damn wife? Little hell cat. Maybe that was what he should start calling her. He rubbed soothing circles all over her body as he fingered through her curls. Damn did he love her hair.

"Dinner's ready," D'Kyla spoke softly. "Is she sleeping?"

He nodded. "She had another fit and got put in her place and to sleep. Have dinner brought up please luce del sole." [Sunshine]

D'Kyla gasped. "You haven't called me that in years."

"T'was your name no?" She nodded. "Alright then, that is what you will be called."

She smiled as she walked away. He use to call her that as a child because she 'lit up his entire world'.

"When will you come back? Her due date was yesterday!" His mother whispered into the phone a few weeks later. It was true; Alexya was finally at her due date with nothing to show for it besides a big belly.

She took her time as she approached her mother in-law. "Is that him?" She nodded. "Tell him to stay gone. I don't need his damn help. I see where his son and I have a place and it damn sure isn't in his life."

Elena shook her head with a sigh as she watched her stomp away. "Risolvere il e subtio," she told him before hanging up. Why couldn't the men in this damn family just do right by their wives? [Fix it and immediately]

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