Chapter Ten: Life or Death Situations

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"Honey, I love you -you know how much I really do- but if you don't get your ass up and eat something, I'm calling your mother," D'Kyla said as she walked into the library.

The library was where Alexya had gone since she was banned from Dimitri's hospital room when she refused to leave his bedside. It'd been touch and go for a few days. Some he was doing good, others he'd flat lined multiple times. She didn't think it was healthy, but how could she help herself? It would be obvious to a dead man that she was in love with her husband and no matter what he'd previously put her through, she still cared for him deeply.

"I'll eat when I'm hungry, leave me alone please. I'm not starving my baby," Alexya whispered as she pushed herself up and away from her best friend. She just wanted time to herself, to be left alone. All she could see was her husband's dead eyes before she was pulled away from him. She was convinced he'd died until she saw that heart monitor beeping steadily. That was when it'd really hit her, when she realized she'd truly been just too damn close to losing him. What would she do without him? What would their baby do without him?

"He's going to be fine," D'Kyla whispered as she sat next to Alexya on the oversized pillow covered couch Dimitri had put in for when he learned of just how much she loved their library.

"You don't really mean that," Alexya stated.

"What do you mean? He's my brother, how would you know that I don't?"

"Because," Alexya said as she brought her dead, empty eyes up to meet D'Kyla's. "You don't believe it either."

After that, everyone was too afraid to bother her. She rarely left library, only to eat and check up on her husband. She walked around, feet dragging the floor as if she her soul itself had died when he had. Nobody wanted to be anywhere near her. Why would they? She scared them living shit out of them all.  

"Are any of you going to be brave enough to go and tell her that her husband has woken up?" Dr. Sterling asked the room as she took account of Dimitri's vitals. He was slightly incoherent because of all of the medication she'd had him doped up on and he was still gaining consciousness.

Everyone in the room looked at one another, fearful glances going back and forth between them. Nobody wanted to go through the fear of even trying to gain her attention, let alone tell her that the reason she was feeling that way wasn't a worry any longer.

"Where's my wife?" Dimitri asked in a deep rasp as he sat up against the pillows once the doctor was finished. When nobody answered, he repeated the question louder, voice echoing in the otherwise silent room.

Everyone jumped slightly, D'Kyla hesitating before standing up from Donatello's lap. "Oh for heaven's sake! She's been trapped up in the library or in your office, acting like the devil incarnate because she had to watch you flat line for four weeks straight. She hates being touched, she feels that you're going to die, and every time someone says something about you or the baby she goes ballistic!"

Dimitri quickly swung his feet off the edge of the bed the moment his little sister began talking, steadying his weight before getting up and walking out of the room like he hadn't been in the bed for almost a month. He walked along the halls, talking himself out of yelling and going off on his wife, knowing neither one of them could handle the stress.

The grand double doors of the library slamming open had Alexya jumping and whipping her head around to face it. She gasped, hand flying to her mouth as she stared at her husband. He was wearing the black drawstring silk pants she'd picked out for him to wear and nothing else besides the patches over the left half of his upper chest, lower right abdomen, both arms, and right shoulder where he'd been shot and the wounds hadn't fully healed yet. His skin was paler than normal, his hair needing a trim and his face a shave. Even then, to her he was the sexiest man in the world. She looked into his eyes, slightly flinching when she saw just how pissed off he was.

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