Chapter Twelve: Waking Up Alone

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When Alexya came to, she was once again in a hospital bed. Looking around she realized it was also a bedroom. She sat up slowly, taking inventory of the room around her. She was hooked to a steady IV and the heart monitor that monitored her and her baby.

She sighed before tossing aside the thick blankets and attempting to get out of the bed. She gasped, almost falling when her ankle jerked back as she tried to step towards the door.

"That bastard!" She shouted in outrage as she realized she'd been shackled like some common slave to the bedpost. The chains clinked as she pulled on them, causing a tender pain in her leg. The chain was about twenty feet long and she was able to walk around the room freely but seeing as the door was about thirty feet from where her bed was placed, she couldn't exactly go that far period.

Upon further examination, she realized she had a kitchen, bathroom, closet, and balcony inside the room with her as well. There was another two beds, almost as big as the one she was sleeping on with shackles hanging loosely and wondered whom they were for? More importantly, where was D'Kyla? And her mother-in-law?

The room opened, almost as if they knew she was looking for her family. An unconscious D'Kyla was carried in by a man that looked almost exactly like the one she'd discovered was her kidnapper and figured he had to be a close relative. Mrs. Catello walked in behind them, hands and feet shackled with a cloth in her mouth. She was led my a man with a huge scar that ran down the entire left side of his face, his eye white and clearly blind.

Alexya rushed towards them as they got closer. "Is she okay? What have you done to her? Where in the hell are we?"

"Do not fret, my bride is perfectly safe," the man murmured as he placed D'Kyla securely in the bed, careful of the cast that covered the lower half of her leg and her entire foot.

"What happened to her leg?"

"It was injured in the accident that idiot caused when he thought it wise to accuse you of faking a pregnancy," he spoke, his voice harsh and his accent thick.

"Why is my mother tied like a prisoner? Aside from the fact that you're actually keeping us prisoner here, wherever here really is," Alexya asked as she watched the man turn to face her. He towered over her she realized, her head coming to his chin. He wasn't as tall as her husband, her only coming to Dimitri's chest but still, the man was bigger than her and she wouldn't be able to take him down when the need ever decided to arise.

"She is tied for her safety and that of you and my little bride here," he rasped. It was clear that being away from D'Kyla actually pained him but why would he cause her so much pain, wouldn't it be like he'd still be hurting himself in some kinda way?

"She wouldn't hurt us!" Alexya shouted in outrage. She wasn't understanding why they were even saying such things, it was completely absurd.

"You will lower your tone Alexya," a new voice spoke. Alexya's head snapped to the door to see her kidnapper standing with his arms folded, glaring at her disapprovingly.

What the hell could he possibly be disappointed about? He wasn't the kidnapped, he's the kidnapper! "Don't talk to me as if I am a child of yours. I am a grown ass woman and I damn sure deserve to be treated like one. My mother-in-law wouldn't ever cause me harm or that of her own damn daughter and grandson. Now, I don't know why you keep trying to take me away from my life and my family but you need to take me back.

"You've had your fucking fun and games now it's time to take me back home. I can't -matter of fact I won't live my life with a crazy son of a bitch such as you. I have been through too much bullshit in the past couple of years to continue. You want a wife? Go find and meet one. You want someone to give you children? Go ask one to have them for you; better yet, go impregnate a random woman walking down the street for all I care. You need to understand that I'm just not the right one for you and there's nothing special about me so why won't you just leave me and my family alone? Huh?"

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