Chapter Fourteen: Missing Him

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"Is everything ready?" Sharona called as she and Elena inspected all of the tables, chairs, food, and drinks for the baby shower.

"It should be," Elena sighed.

"Let's go check on these girls," she said with her own sigh.

It was a stressful day for everyone. No matter what anyone did, Alexya wouldn't stop crying, D'Kyla wouldn't leave the bathroom because of morning/all day sickness, Donatello was nowhere to be found and Dimitri was secretly planning flight schedules.

"Honey, you've gotta come out," Aniyah said as she once again knocked on the bathroom door. She'd been trying for about five hours, having knocked a total of ten times.

Everyone could hear her heart wrenching sobs and there was nothing any of them could personally do.

"Call Dimi," D'Kyla spoke as she finally emerged from her own room, drinking ginger ale and eating crackers with peanut butter. Everyone looked at her strangely, not understanding why. She rolled her eyes. "He'll be the only one to get her to come out."

"Where's mio mama?" Azylla asked. She was brought the night before and was glad they'd already gotten her the same dress as her twin, just altered to fit her slightly rounded belly. She wasn't happy with what was happening to her sisters, much like everyone else and knew why she wouldn't come out. Hell, she completely understood seeing as she herself was having the same problems with the man she was tricked into marrying. But alas, that was another story for another day.

"Right here Azzy, what's going on?" Sharona spoke as she walked into the room.

"She won't leave the bathroom," D'Kyla and Aniyah spoke in unison then smiled at one another.

Sharona shook her head and walked over to the bathroom. "Apire la porta Alexya, ora." [Open the door Alexya, now]

The door opened almost instantly and Sharona slipped inside. Nobody heard any of what was said but the women emerged from the bathroom fifteen minutes later and Alexya was completely compliant. She sat silently as her hair was done, before that a manicure and pedicure, and last her dress. It was apparent that she wanted to just run right back into the bathroom and stay locked inside but chose to just do what her mother told her because she knew the older woman said she didn't have a choice.

"It won't be that bad," D'Kyla tried to console Alexya.

"Don't forget pukey, you're going to be stranded with me," she retorted.

She was hurt before, but now she was completely pissed off to the point she punched her husband in the face just moments before. Now she was walking to the dining hall to sit by the door and greet guests. Dimitri wouldn't let her stand, told her she didn't need any more strain or stress on their son than they'd already had on him. She told him to shove it, he didn't give a shit about how she felt about leaving so don't when it came to her comfortability.

"I hope this doesn't last long," D'Kyla sighed. "This nausea is a bitch to deal with. Did you really punch Dimi?"

"Sure did and told him not to touch me and fuck off a few times."

"Hope it doesn't bruise, he'll be pissed about it no doubt."

Alexya snorted. "And you think I give a shit?"

"Good point."

It seemed greeting the guests was the easy part. The challenge was not punching her husband again, seeing as he wouldn't stop touching her. She pushed his hand off of her shoulder once again.

"It will not make me stop darling," he whispered in her ear before pressing his lips just below.

Alexya's eyes fluttered closed in pleasure. It had been a long while since she'd been intimate with her husband and he knew that just as she did.

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