Chapter Five: Finally Home

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"You would do best to remember what I've told you," was the first thing Alexya's husband said to her as he instructed her to pack. She asked him numerous times why they were suddenly going home but he wouldn't tell her. She knew it had to be something bad and important because his movements were all jerky, stiff like he didn't know what to do first or last -didn't know how to handle the news he received and it left a heavy weight on her heart. She was thinking the worst and knew the feeling she had in her chest was because she'd lost part of her soul -part of her family- and she prayed that it wasn't so.

"Dimitri?" She whispered as the plane descended back into their home. He'd ignored her vocally the entire trip but held her hand and kissed her head every so often, holding her body close to his and it made her even more confused.

"I need for you to bare with me and hold in your shock for a moment darling, do you think you can do that for me?" He asked suddenly, not opening the doors to exit.

"Why won't you just tell me?" She whispered.

"Because I want you home where you can deal with it there," he answered as he caressed her cheek, kissing her lips softly.

She sighed and nodded, putting on her hard mask and watching as the doors opened.

Cameras flashed everywhere, reporters shouting things and shoving one another.

"Is it true?"

"How does it make you feel that you weren't here Mrs. Catello?"

"Will your sister have a proper burial?"

"Do you know who the real father of her child is?"

"Did she die in her sleep?"

"Was she murdered in the night?"

"Why didn't the family know?"

"What's the truth about your marriage to Mr. Catello?"

"How does your mother feel about being out of the country while you were married off?"

All the questions were like bullets to her already nervous and fragile heart, Alexya knew she needed to get inside a vehicle -and fast. Dimitri pulled the door open, rushing her in and sliding in behind her where he pulled her right back into his arms.

"Mi dispiace cara, non sapevo come dirtelo e non volevo per voi di sentire ora ed essere in stato di shock," he whispered in her ear as he kissed her tear stained cheeks and rubbed his fingers through her hair. [I'm so sorry darling, I didn't know how to tell you and I didn't want for you to hear it now and be in shock]

She didn't know what to say, how to respond, how to react. Breathing was becoming hard and her comprehension level was shrinking by the second. Her sister? No, something wasn't right. They had to have the wrong girl. But then, how did they know about Katrina? Oh no! Her neice must be so confused.

"H-Ha-Have-ve y-yo-you-ou c-ca-call-called-ed Ky-Kyla-la t-to g-get Tr-Trin-" she stuttered out through sobs.

Dimitri cute her off, knowing what she was attempting to say. "Trina is with D'Kyla as we speak sweetheart and in your sister's will, D'Kyla has custody along with Donatello so she will be safe and sound."

She nodded and snuggled closer into his chest, crying until she fell into a deep sleep. When she awoke again, she was in her parents house and listening to her mother curse every single person in the room out. It clearly started with everyone -herself included- not knowing her daughter was sick. Then it turned to her father and the Catello family for forcing her daughter into a marriage while she was out of the country. She clearly didn't buy the whole debt story and wanted to know the truth. The truth would've come out if they hadn't noticed Alexya was awake which pissed her off because that meant she hadn't married her husband to settle her father's debt but then why? And why didn't they want her knowing the truth?

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