Chapter's Thirteen: Shipped Off To Island Secluded

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"How do you know that man Alex?" D'Kyla asked later on that evening as they ate. After the scene earlier that day, it was decided that they'd stay another night before moving again to another place. Alexya hadn't spoken a word the entire duration of that time, moving about robotically as if she wasn't sure what to do with herself after that truly and painfully shocking discovery that'd fallen upon her.

"Shh, lascia il suo essere D'Kyla. Ha bisogno di tempo per se stessa per ottenere le nuove informazioni che sta raccolte stabilì nella sua mente. Darle il tempo di cui ha bisogno," her mother scolded as she put plates of food onto the table for the three of them. [Shh, leave her be D'Kyla. She needs time to herself to get the new information she's gathered settled in her mind. Give her the time she needs.]

"How can I? I've never heard of that man before! Let alone even hear his name and now he's kidnapped us all, having his family convinced we're all going to be together in some whacked out and twisted lifestyle! To hell with giving her the time she needs, I need answers and I need them now!" D'Kyla shouted. She was beyond outraged by the turn of events that were starting to transpire. She knew there was more to the story behind those people and what they weren't saying, but she didn't know that it ran that deep.

"And don't you dare get started, unless you're going to explain to me why in the hell you never bothered to tell me! About the kidnapping, about your near perfect English, about your entire life. I knew you spoke it but not as well as you did just then. Is there anything else I need to be warned about or informed of before the night is over with?"

"He was my best friend," Alexya whispered. "I met him at the playground in school when I was six...." she gave an empty and humorless chuckle. "He was like my knight in shining armor, coming to protect me from all the older kids and get me back my dolly...."

"You mean the one you have sitting on your shelf at your parents?" D'Kyla asked, astounded.

Alexya nodded. "He was there with me, everyday for nearly a year before just up and leaving, disappearing off the face of the Earth for what? Fourteen, fifteen years! Now, he's not even that boy anymore and I can see that. He's not my best friend and I'll never forgive him for not only doing this to me, but to the two of you. I'll never agree to any of this and I will do just about anything to get the fuck outta here and as soon as possible!"

"We won't be able to leave," Mrs. Catello spoke up. The girls looked at her. "Hanno pesantemente sorvegliato con un numero sufficiente di uomini per formare un esercito. Le probabilità di uscire e di fatto fuggire, sono molto scarse a quasi inesistente e non ho bisogno di nessuno di voi ragazze del male o danneggiati in alcun modo quindi dovremo aspettare il nostro tempo fino Dimitri viene a salvarci come lui ha sempre fatto." [They've got it heavily guarded with enough men to form an army. The chances of getting out and actually escaping, are very slim to almost nonexistent and I don't need either of you girls hurt or harmed in any way so we will bide our time until Dimitri comes to save us like he always has.]

Alexya sat numbly while D'Kyla burst into tears. It was strange, watching such a strong girl break down the way she did and it got Alexya thinking, how could she make it so they got out of there? Even if she herself wasn't able to leave, they could take her baby and raise him....right?

It was quiet for about a week, nobody coming in or leaving and it had the girls on edge. They barely slept, eating was almost nonexistant unless Alexya was eating for the baby and they took shifts, one sleeping while two were awake just in case something happened and they needed to be more aware. It wasn't like they could get too far with the shackles on their feet, but it was the thought that count.

"Do you smell that?" Alexya whispered as she woke abruptly. Her skin prickled, tingled as if she were being watched and something felt completely off.

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