Chapter Eighteen: Dimitri

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He sighed before entering the room, wanting to release the anger inside of him even if just for a second. Killing this man right at that moment wasn't going to get them anywhere.

The man sitting in front of him was responsible for his wife, mother, and little sister being taken away from him. He should've kept his brother in line, kept him from becoming obsessed. But he didn't and now look at them. He was captured while his brother ran, fighting for his life in the process.

From Dimitri's understanding of the situation, Alexya had truly gotten him pretty damn good, to the point it wasn't healing like it should've. It had to keep being restitched and cleaned, bandages changed constantly. But that part wasn't nor ever would be his problem. He needed to know exactly how to find the bastard.

"I heard you finally wanna talk?" Dimitri asked annoyed.

Ameer looked at the man before him. He could see why his brother was so envious. That man practically oozed the power he held, his confidence a swagger he wore like his polished ash grey suit. His family never stood any real chance against the notorious Dimitri Catello, business mogul and in the drug world, mob boss. He was more ruthless than any of the men in his family before him and it shined brightly like a beacon. Everybody knew not to ever cross Dimitri Catello or anyone who shared his name but his brother never cared.

"I never understood why my brother wanted her so bad in the first place," he chuckled. "She's a looker no doubt, but she'd never have been submissive enough for him. Her will too strong, her mindset independent. Our father was just as stupid, filling our heads with hopes and dreams that would be just that. Nothing but hopes and dreams. I wanted her so bad, I thought I couldn't live without her and now I will anyway."

"Nice sob story, what the fuck do you want," Dimitri smoke calmly, his voice deadly.

"To end this," Ameer said in reply.

"Where is he?"

Dimitri's patience was dwindling down to nothing, he wanted to get back to his wife and newborn son. They needed him to take care of them, watch over them as he grew and as she healed. He was suppose to be their protector and it was harder to do his job with a threat such as him still out there and alive.

"You gotta make sure my wife and kids are okay," he told him. "I know you're gonna kill me anyway after I tell you, just please make sure they'll be alright." Dimitri nodded. "He's here, in Italy."

Dimitri pulled out his phone, shooting a text for a country wide search. He had to be in the tunnels but he'd rather search first to make it look like he didn't know. The tunnels ran through everything, everywhere. He gave the general credit, he hid in one of the smartest places in the world. But he was stupid to think Dimitri hadn't already thought this idea through. He was going to surround him and have an ambush. It was time to end all of it, once and for all.

Going home to his wife, was the best joy he'd ever felt in his life. Not only because she was now safe, loved him as much as he loved her, but because she'd given him a child. A child he hadn't been expecting but a child no less and it made his love for her grow.

"What're you doing darling?" He asked as he walked into their bedroom. Looking over her shoulder, she was rubbing lotion into their son's skin and they both smelled fresh from the bath.

"Hoping he'll fall asleep once I get him dressed, I decided to try this lotion Ky found on the internet," she answered him quietly. "It's an American brand and meant to help babies sleep smoothly with lots of comfort."

"It smells nice," he nodded as he kissed her bare shoulder. She was wearing one of the gowns he'd just bought her, glad he picked one she'd enjoy and his son could be fed with no difficulty.

Going to take a shower of his own, Dimitri thought through what he had to do within the next forty eight hours. He knew, capturing that monster was going to be easy but killing his brother wasn't. He was roped into the life he lived and Dimitri knew how that felt. The old him wouldn't have thought twice and just killed the bastard, but know he had children and a wife made the worlds of a difference. If he chose to keep him alive, he'd have him watched for the rest of his life because he trusted no one aside from his blood, his wife, and his right hand.

"Do you want me to go get your dinner?" Alexya asked him once he walked out of the bathroom. He watched as she breast fed, member hardening at her shapely breasts before registering her words.

"Finish feeding him and put him to bed, don't worry about me right now," he told her and walked into their closet. Putting on boxers, he picked up the few items of his son's laying around and put them away. He truly enjoyed being a father, especially to a child with a mother so amazing as the one he had. Dimitri knew he was one of the luckiest men on the planet and knew he'd cherish it all until his last dying breath.

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