Chapter Seven: You Can Only Lose So Much

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The door opened causing both girls to snap their heads up. It was a very skinny looking man with long hair and dark skin, his eyes black and cold. He looked at both Alexy and D'Kyla, not saying a word as men brought them a table, him a chair, and some food. Once everything was set up, they picked both girls up while they were still sitting in the chairs and set them in front of the table. Their hands were freed and then everyone but the one man left.

He didn't speak as he sat down and made all of them plates. It was all kinds of fruits, different kinds of cheese and crackers, pot roast with carrots and potatoes, and a roasted chicken. There were glasses of wine poured to go along with their food.

Alexya glanced up at D'Kyla warily as the man gestured for them to eat. D'Kyla gave a subtle, almost not noticeable nod and they both picked up their silverware, nibbling on small bites of food. Alexya was scared they'd poisoned or drugged it and D'Kyla was too alert towards the man to care.

She studied every movement he made and made mental notes about how his right side seemed weaker than his left. He favored his right hand and had a few broken ribs on the left as well. She figured he was involved in their kidnapping and smiled knowing she could use his injuries against him when she tried to escape. If what her brother told her was true, then she had to get Alexya out before it was too late. She knew Alexya's wedding ring and the locket around her neck that Dimitri gave her as a wedding gift both had tracking devices in them and hoped that her brother was smart enough to have them on and to use them to save them from what was to come.

"Why aren't you eating?"

Alexya snapped her eyes up at the sound of the man's voice. It was deep and had a Mediterranean accent which D'Kyla also took note of, both girls stiffening as he glared at Alexya in apparent anger.

She reached out and picked up random items from her plate, shoving them in her mouth quickly, keeping her head down so the fear wouldn't show in her eyes. She knew whomever this man was, he made her scared and D'Kyla overly alert.

Once the girls had eaten everything he'd given them, he pushed a button on the wall that neither of them had noticed before. The same men from before came in a cleaned everything up, taking away the table and tying their hands back to the chairs. D'Kyla had managed to break one's arm, punch another between the legs, and bite two more. Alexya was trying to fight them off as well but they both ended up being restrained enough that their hands were retied and D'Kyla was sporting a black eye while Alexya had a busted lip from being slapped.

The man stood against the wall the entire time, arms crossed against his chest with a blank face. "Sono i due di voi fatto con il comportamento immaturo?" He asked in very bad Italian. [Are the two of you done with the immature behavior?]

D'Kyla laughed. "Your Italian sucks ass."

Alexya tried to hold back her laugh but it began to bubble out of her mouth. She knew D'Kyla had chugged about eight full glasses of wine and shook her head as the man's face turned into a glare.

"So you both speak English then?" He asked incredulously. Neither answered him. "Good, I don't feel like wasting my breath on the disgusting language anyhow."

"Why are we here? And how long have we been here?" Alexya asked, cutting him off before he could continue.

"You've been here two weeks. She knows why," he nodded his head towards D'Kyla, his hair falling over his shoulder.

Alexya glanced at her best friend and watched as emotions flashed in her eyes. Confusion. Realization. Slight fear. They settled on anger.

"He can't have her," D'Kyla spoke calmly as she glared at the man.

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