Chapter Eleven: Kidnapped, Again.

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"Would it honestly be so bad if we went out for just a little while? Please Dimitri?"

"La miniera anche semplicemente lasciarli andare figlio, si uscire e andare a prescindere di quello che li stai dicendo," his father spoke from the other end of the desk in his office. He glared at the old man, letting him know that he wasn't helping him in the least bit. [You mine as well just let them go son, they will break out and go regardless to what you're telling them.]

"If I let you go," he held up his finger when a bright smile spread across her face. "If being a big one, you must stay within range of your security detail at all times. I mean it Alex, you can't exactly run and fight back like you could the last time," he gestured to her very much noticeable pregnant belly. "I haven't found this sick fuck yet and I don't want to take any risks with you and the safety of our baby."

"I promise," she said quickly. "I will stay glued to their side at all times and even carry the gun tuo papà gave me a few weeks ago." [your daddy]

"Hai dato a mia moglie una pistola ?! Hai perso la tua mente maledetto?" [You gave my wife a gun?! Have you lost your damn mind?]

"Lei è stato anche addestrato per usarlo. Qual è il grosso problema, tua madre e la sorella sanno usare uno pure. Tutte le donne di questa famiglia sono tenuti da loro mariti, appena capita di scegliere di non perché sei troppo su per il culo a pensare a lei la sicurezza prima!" His father snapped back with a shrug of his shoulder before leaning back in his seat and continuing with the contacts whom of which owed him favors. He was determined to help his son find the man who was now not only after his daughter-in-law, but his own wife and daughter as well. [She's also been trained to use it. What's the big deal, your mother and sister know how to use one as well. All of the women in this family are taught by their husbands, you just happen to choose not to because you're too up her ass to think of her safety first!]

"I don't know who I should just slap first, you for letting him teach you something I specifically told you to stay away from, or him for teaching you violence. If something happens to you because of that damn gun, I'm going to kill my own father," he promised.

Alexya bit her lip, "I'm sorry-"

"I don't want to hear any of it!" He snapped back causing her to jump back in shock. "Go out and have fun now because this will be the last time until I know that you're safe."

Alexya nodded, walking over and kissing him sweetly before leaving the room. She couldn't believe he'd really been that angry about her learning how to use a gun, she honestly expected him to be happy that she could protect herself after what happened the first time around.

She walked into her bedroom where D'Kyla was curling her last piece of hair with Alexya's wand. "What'd he say?"

"Before or after he cursed me and papà out for him teaching me how to use a gun?"

D'Kyla gasped. "Are you serious?" Her voice was outraged. "Why in the hell would he do something like that? Papà taught you how to use a gun so that you'd better yourself if something were to happen to you! Maybe he should still be taking his pain meds, he's been fucking nuts without them."

"He's only stopped taking them for two days, but let's not forget he just woke up two weeks ago! I tried to get him to take them this morning but he refused. I'm not going to force them down the man's throat. If he'd rather be in pain, fine! Don't let me get in your way."

"I think this is why the two of you fight so much. You're both stubborn and like to have things your way. If you'd just compromise every once and a while, you'd have a happy marriage and not fight all the time."

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