Chapter Four: Getaway or Locked Away?

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"Hurry up before your auntie gets back Lex! You know how she is about you eating with all your make up on," D'Kyla rushed over to her side as she shoved the rest of her breakfast sandwich in her mouth.

"Not my fault I've got a nervous eating habit! It's your brother's," Alexya said with a mouth full of food. She'd eaten five plates worth of food the moment she got to her mother-in-law's house and afterwards had people running to the store to get her breakfast sandwiches on crissaint bread. She'd eaten over a dozen in just the last hour.

"Just relax and come get your ass in this dress," D'Kyla sighed as she held it up. As they began to struggle, her auntie came in and got it on her in no time. They chose that particular dress so that most of her tattoos would be covered and she put a red stud in her nose so that it matched. She took out her industrial, rook, tongue, and her tragus just so she didn't look weird and receive crazy looks because someone was offended.

"Do you think I should've taken out my belly rings?" She asked as they tightened the ribbons at the back. She'd been bold and got the top and bottom pierced just because but now she was kind of regretting it because her dress was pressing on the and it felt funny.

"No you're fine," her auntie said as she poofed out the bottom and made sure the long train wasn't dirty. She placed the veil that had red ribbons to match the red swirls of her dress's bodice laced through the bottom in her pinned up curls before huffing angrily at the one long curl that just wouldn't stay up. "Did you pull this back out Alex?"

"No auntie it fell when you were putting my dress on," she mumbled as someone helped her slip on her red satin strappy stilettos. She hated the shoe but her soon-to-be picked them out and said she didn't have a choice but to wear everything he chose.

"You look absolutely amazing baby girl," Ashley -Alexya's older sister- said as she entered the room with baby Katrina in her arms. No one really knew who the baby's father was because her mother wouldn't say but they knew he had to be either Caucasian or Italian because the child had the brightest blue eyes that had only been seen on D'Kyla herself.

Katrina was wearing a dress that was an exact replica of Alexya's so that she could match while walking down the aisle as the flower girl. She was going to be dropping Scarlet Carson petals from the garden at the Catello Manor.

"Give, give," D'Kyla said reaching for her goddaughter. She was practically the girl's mother with how much she took care of her and kept her. Katrina was sixteen months old and D'Kyla called her her pride and joy.

"She's been fussy and asking for her all day," Ashley replied as she passed her over, "I swear the girl mine as well live with you!"

"Don't hate on me and my baby," D'Kyla stuck her tongue out. "If she wanted to, she's got a room and everything, I wouldn't mind at all."

"Girls, everything is ready and we're waiting for you," Julio -Alexya's father- said as he came into the room with a harsh cough leaving his lips.

"Oh daddy!" Ashley said as she rushed over to help him. "Grandpa can walk Al down the isle if you can't."

"That, I'd prefer," she smiled sweetly. She still ignored her father whenever they were around one another though she'd forgiven him. Her stubborn attitude kept her from talking to him like she use to.

"Alexya Renee!" Her auntie snapped just like her sister and the girl's mother would've if she'd been there. "Don't even start today."

She smiled sweetly again, showcasing her deep dimples before rolling her eyes and dropping down in the nearest chair. Her arms were crossed and she had a scowl on her face as everyone focused on her father. Alexya was never one to be spoiled but she felt it was acceptable since it was her day, not her father's. Not to mention this was a forced marriage, something she didn't want in the first place.

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