Chapter Six: Being kidnapped is NOT fun

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It was a hard few weeks, dealing with the death of her sister but Alexya knew that it was time to try and move on from the horrible experience and make something of it. She told herself that sitting and crying all day, everyday wasn't going to bring her sister back and wasn't going to give her niece her mother back. She was just thankful for D'Kyla's friendship with Ashley because if it weren't her, she would have to deal with being in a new marriage and more than likely having to raise Katrina as well.

Ashley wouldn't have left her daughter in the care of their parents because they had enough to deal with as is and adding a twenty month old? Something would have gone absolutely wrong. Her father was busy with being in and out of the hospital while her mother was still in and out of the country.

Everything was stressful and overwhelming for not only her, but D'Kyla as well. She was still getting all of the legal work settled and having people coming in and out of the house to see if it was a safe enough environment to raise a child and to see that she was being well taken care of.

"Where are you and D'Kyla going?" Dimitri asked as Alexya slid on some jeans. He was glaring at the denim as if it were going to attack him any moment. "I thought I told you to get rid of those things?"

"My jeans?" Alexya questioned as she looked at her hair in the mirror. D'Kyla had spent the night straightening it and it now reached her waist. "What's wrong with them Dimitri?"

"I want all of them gone," he said as he stepped behind her in the mirror. "I don't want you wearing denim anymore."

Her eyebrow shot up. "So now you're dictating my clothes here as well?"

"I guess I am," he shrugged.

"If I had a kitchen knife," she promised with a glare before picking up the brush and brushing through her hair so that her bangs fell over her left eye and evenly down her back. He was clearly being an asshole and she wasn't in the mood to deal with him and his bullshit.

"Is that a threat darling?" He asked as he pressed his body against hers, pinning her to the counter by her hips.

"Will you please move Dimitri?" She asked as she rolled her eyes. "I do not feel like dealing with you right now, I'm trying to go out and have a girl's day with Kyla."

"Where are you going?"

"Why do you care? You're going to have us followed anyway."

"If you hadn't decided to just run the fuck off without telling someone, maybe you could be trusted," he said angrily. "Where are you going?"

She chuckled dryly. "You're not my fucking keeper Dimitri, I will go wherever the hell I want when I want."

"Oh yeah? Don't leave this fucking house," he commanded before walking away.

She followed right behind him. "And why the hell not?"

"Because I said not to," he said dismissively as he sat on the bed to slip off his dress shoes and socks.

"I know you don't honestly think I'm going to listen to you?"

"Do you really want to disobey me Alexya?" He glanced at her passively before standing to unbutton his shirt and take off his belt. His hands itched with the urge to bend her over the bed and give her what she deserved. They hadn't played much since they got home from their honeymoon and her attitude was beginning to get back out of hand.

"Why can't I go?" She asked as she plopped down on the bed with a pout, her arms crossed. When he ignored her childish behavior, she sighed before getting up and walking into the closet with him. She stood in front of him with her hands on his chest. "Why can't I go Dimitri?"

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