Chapter Eight: Lies, Lies, and Tears

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Alexya hugged the toilet as she puked chunks into it. It'd been happening every once and a while since she'd found out two weeks before. D'Kyla sat behind her, rubbing soothing circles onto her back and wiping away the sweat from her forehead with a cold damp towel.

"I thought Sterling gave you something for the mild and severe nausea?" She asked once Alexya stopped dry heaving and lay across the wooden surface of the bathroom floor. She nodded her head weakly. "Are you taking them??"

"Of course!" Alexya snapped. "You think I'm willingly doing this to myself? Mama makes me take them with my prenatal vitamins and breakfast every morning. This baby just hates any and everything I eat if it's not bacon and beef jerky. I mean any kind of deer meat works but still, it's all I can eat and keep down."

"Maybe you need something stronger?" D'Kyla suggested.

"I tried to ask for that, she told me that this was all she could get without raising suspicions with Dimitri. If I want better drugs, I've gotta tell him about the baby and I-I just can't yet. I need more time."

"The time is running out Ally! You've gotta tell him because this is unhealthy for you and the baby."

"I will, I just-"

A knock sounded at the door.

"Yes?" Both girls called out, not moving from their places on the floor but sharing fearful glances as they waited for whomever was on the other side to answer.

"Alexya? Can we talk?" It was Dimitri.

"I can't!" Alexya hissed quietly as D'Kyla pushed her towards the door.

"Yes you can and you will! Tell him or I'm going to myself," she threatened.

Alexya bit her lip, debating on which outcome would be worse. Telling him herself would mean she'd have to deal with his reaction right away. But having D'Kyla tell him means he'd have time to build up his rage and it'd also have time to marinate within him before he exploded.

She knew she wouldn't want to be told by anyone but himself if the roles were reversed so she sighed, opening the bathroom door to see him leaning casually on the wall next to it with his arms folded over his chest like he was waiting for her. Of course he was but he wasn't going to expect the words coming out of her mouth when she built up the courage to tell him the truth.

"Yes Dimitri?" She said calmly as they watched D'Kyla walk out of the room and close the door behind her.

"You two have been spending a lot of time in the bathroom lately, care to tell me why darling?" He asked as he brought his eyes to hers. She looked nervous, like she was hiding something and he was going to find out what it was.

"I'm pregnant," she whispered, biting her lip.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" He asked as he stepped closer. Every step he took, she moved further away until the end of their king sized bed caught her knees, making her fall backwards.

Alexya squealed as she fell back onto the bed, Dimitri's body following but slowly as he hovered over her, making her nervous.

"You going to tell me what you said?"

"Sto avendo il vostro bambino Dimitri," she said in a slightly louder voice. [I'm having your baby Dimitri.]

His breath was stolen, his body froze as his mouth hung open, eyes wide. Pregnant? Why didn't he see that one coming? But how? Didn't she just lose their baby?

"How is that possible? We just lost a baby," he said confused.

"That left me open for another pregnancy because my body was changing and preparing itself to accommodate another human being."

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