Chapter Sixteen: Finally Over?

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"What do you think of Khristian?" Alexya asked as she rubbed her son's back. The two of them were finally released from Sterling just that morning after weeks of observations. Dimitri was so thankful that she'd made it out alive, he cried tears of joy. He had scared her at first, why was her husband crying? She didn't fully understand what had truly happened to her, to him and their family.

Her sons smile warmed her heart at first sight. He was such a peaceful and joyous baby to be around. He was currently snuggled into her chest as he had his afternoon feed. She could tell he'd laid in a certain position on her so that she could rub on him and knew that that'd be the way she got him to sleep each night. Did she mind? Of course not. Even in the womb, she could tell her baby was going to be a great sleeper and she had nothing to worry about when it came to his sleeping habits.

"I love it darling," Dimitri responded as Dr. Sterling finished his last treatment and examination. He still hadn't exactly told her what was going on with him and knew it still wasn't the time. She'd just come back from the brink of death and he didn't need to put anymore stress on her. Just thinking about what happened had him shuddering in fear.


"What's going on?!" Dimitri shouted desperately.

"Lo tenere fuori!" Dr Sterling as she was handed the defibrillator machine. She knew just how volatile that man was about his wife and couldn't afford to deal with him at the moment. [Keep him out!]

Dimitri wanted to rage, rant, and rampage through that door but a slight wiggling movement in his arms halted all of his anger.

His son.

The life he'd helped create was finally in his arms and all he could do was stare at him in wonder as tears of joy and dread filled his eyes. He couldn't do it without Alexya, she had to make it through, not only for him to make things right but for the loving child whom shared his hazel eyes and dark curls.

"Where's Alex?" D'Kyla asked as they found her brother a couple hours later. "Dimitri, is she -is she going to be alright....?"

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