Chapter Nine: Time's Up?

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Alexya had been laying in the bed of her new bedroom, reading a book when she realized she was being watched.

Her eyes lifted from the steamy novel to meet those of her guilty -and finally sober- husband. He had his left forearm propped on the door frame with his forehead on it, his eyes trained on her as he bit his lip guiltily. She had to admit, he looked sexier than usual, even if he was clearly not trying. Not that she was looking, why would she?

Who the hell was she kidding? Her husband looked downright sinful but she wasn't going to let him know that, not with all the bullshit he'd been putting her through as if she wasn't already dealing with enough. Why would a person do something so cold hearted? So cruel? Even if he was never going to love her, didn't she at least deserve to be treated civilly? Especially when she's the one to carry all of his children.

"What you reading?" He asked casually when she just sat, staring blankly at him. The emptiness in Alexya's eyes was what scared him the most. Is that how she felt about him? Empty? Like he didn't matter to her? As if there was never any hope for them? Dimitri didn't like it and decided, he would fix what he so hanistly fucked up.

"Chains," she said coolly. "By Shiloh Walker."

He sighed, knowing she was giving him the brush off. It was a feeling he hated with every fiber of his being and never wanted to feel that way with his wife ever again. "Look Alex," he started. "I was- I- Merda! Ho fatto una cazzata male va bene? Ho sbagliato e avrei dovuto pensare quello che avevo detto attraverso prima ancora di aprire la mia grande bocca, ma non l'ho fatto e farti del male più di qualsiasi parola qualsiasi libro potrà mai descrivere, vedo che ora," he cursed out an apology as he shoved his fingers through his hair. [Shit! I fucked up bad okay? I was wrong and I should've thought what I'd said through before even opening my big mouth but I didn't and it hurt you more than any word from any book can ever describe, I see that now.]

"Basta dirmi come posso risolvere questo problema, per favore," he begged as he stepped into the room and closed the door. [Just tell me how I can fix this, please.]

"Cosa c'è da risolvere Dimitri? Non siamo mai andando ad amarsi, mai essere una coppia normale come tutti gli altri," she sighed as she realized her tone was one of absolute defeat. She didn't want to feel emotional, didn't want to feel the way she did but what else could she have done? What she'd said was the truth, he would never love her and that was something he'd made very clear, if not by his words then by his harsh actions towards her. [What is there to fix Dimitri? We were never going to love one another, never be a normal couple like everyone else.]

He crawled onto the elevated queen sized bed, taking her book out of her hand and placing it aside. He then proceeded to lay his head on her belly and then wrapping his right arm around her waist while his left was brought under her thigh but his palm up to support her back. His body was practically curled around hers as she put her thighs around his back being there was no other place for them to go with how he was between her legs and clearly showing no signs of moving any time soon.

Alexya didn't know, but that was the first time he'd ever truly cried over a woman and not because she'd been dying or hurt in any way but because he knew their love had possibly ended before it even truly had the chance to blossom and develop into something.

He was asleep, that much Alexya was certain a few hours later. It was about ten thirty at night and she was tired of reading her book. If it wasn't for the deep breathing and the steady rise and fall of his chest against her, she might not have known that he'd fallen asleep in the first place. It was clear he hadn't been sleeping much since she'd left. She could tell by the way he squeezed her tighter, snuggling deeper every time she even so much as moved an inch. It was a good thing she was already in a comfortable position or she would've been highly pissed off about him falling asleep while she was leaning, propped against the abundance of pillows she'd had ordered and brought to the house on the express the moment she realized she had to go back to living with her husband.

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