Author's Note

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I realized that as an author, I am telling someone else's story but throughout telling this story, I never mentioned the parentage of Katrina. Therefore I am correcting it. In chapter FIVE, I rewrote some things and changed others so that it'll come together and also reveal the family secret.

"Because Alexya has a fear of them," D'Kyla said in reply. "I'm shocked she's helping you pick them up."

"Well," Alexya laughed. "No need to put me out there like that!"

"It's the truth," D'Kyla shrugged. "Sometimes it hurts."

Aniyah hummed as she ran her fingers through Katrina's hair absently. "Ha ha mai detto?" [Did she ever tell you?]

"Tell me what?" Alexya asked absently. She'd been drifting into her own world, a world where this day never existed and a world where her sister still breathed.

"Who Kat's father is," Aniyah looked her sister in the eye as she spoke.

"What?" D'Kyla and Alexya shouted simultaneously.

"Cosa intendi? What are you talking about?" Alexya rushed as she stepped closer to her younger sister. [What do you mean?]

"Look at her eyes, who's do they remind you of?"

Alexya stared at her niece, painting a picture of her into her mind. She looked like D'Kyla. She looked like D'Kyla.

Gasping she looked at her best friend. "How many people in your family have those eyes?"

"Me," she shrugged. "Well me and-" her eyes grew wide. "Aniyah honey?"

She blinked at her.

"Are you telling me this is my uncle's baby?" She looked at Katrina's face, analyzing each facial feature she already knew. "H-how?? He was in-"

"Berlin," Alexya added. "Remember when my sister told us she was going away? That it had something to do with a friend and some business trip? Not long after that she suddenly "broke up" with that guy she was dating and popped up pregnant."

"Ha mentito a mamma e papà perché sapeva che cosa avrebbero pensato su chi fosse veramente," Aniyah answered. [She lied to mommy and daddy because she knew what they'd think about who he really was.]

Both women fell to the bed, minds in shock. Why hadn't they been told?

D'Kyla had been closest to her uncle, that was like her father. How did she never know it was her? She was at his house almost as much as she was at Alexya's. Not once did he mention he was having a child before he was brutally murdered. Her uncle had been a good man, had legal businesses and assets to keep him from getting into the family business. He'd been hurt because of his brother, murdered because of his brother.

"Nobody can know of this," Alexya spoke up after a while. "I was thinking and this'll male her a target not only against your father, but my husband and we cannot allow that to happen. She will continue staying with you Ky because she blends right in and nobody really suspects. I mean, you've had her her entire life so it won't seem out of the ordinary. There's no way she could be with me, not while all of this is happening. Dimitri would never put her in that sort of risk."

"And let's face it, how many men are brave enough to attack that wildabeast of a man I seem to can't get rid of?" D'Kyla joked though they all knew it to be true. Donatello would kill her own brother if it meant protecting her.

"Kyla!" Alexya laughed.

"It's the truth," D'Kyla shrugged. "Sometimes it hurts."

The girls laughed and finished gathering all the evidence and burned it in the fireplace like Aniyah suggested. She knew her boyfriend had people going through his trash to make sure things were safe enough and nothing or someone hadn't been put in there to harm them.

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