Chapter: One

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Edited version:

I wrote the beginning of this story when I was 15 so it's a bit rough. 

I'm going back and fixing shit:)


My name is y/n l/n and I became a chunin at 7 and a Jonin at 13. I then joined the Anbu around 14. From what I can remember my parents died when I was young and I've lived on my own till present day. For the most of my childhood I spent all my time training and reading books about jujutsu's. As I got older I was recognized for my sharp, critical thinking and quick skills. Soon enough I was recruited in the Anbu black ops.                                                                                                   Like every day I had another boring ass mission that I didn't want to do. The Anbu was boring and useless to me, but It paid well and I was able to take good care of myself with my paychecks...


 "How much longer till we arrive? Questioned my masked Comrade. Like I said, one of my special abilities was my brain. I could easily calculate our speed and distance from the enemy determining our time of arrival. Before my mom died she had told me she was from some clan that had powerful eyes that could help me on the road of being a kunoichi. Whenever I activated my hidden eyes I was able to sense chakra's around me and repel other jutsu. Apparently, due to it's extreme power my mom told me to NEVER activate them in front of anyone, not even people with the same eyes as me. 

"Only 10/15 minutes." I returned to my normal vision. The guy nodded and we continued our travel. Our mission was to eliminate 10 dangerous ninja who were potentially planning on invading Konoha. Honestly I know I'm skilled, but the Anbu doesn't seem like a safe place for a 14 year old. I mean my own boobs haven't even fully developed yet. Why the hell should I be killing people and protecting the village with my life.

A sudden cold feeling rushed over my skin giving me goosebumps. I felt my eyes starting to burn so I let go of my control and activated them, sensing the enemy. 

"Stop, I can sense someone." I told the other 4 Anbu members as we stopped in our path.  I closed my eyes and bent down on one knee. I put my hand on the large tree branch and could hear the enemy's footsteps heading south, towards us. 

"They're coming this way." I stood back up brushing my hands off. 

"I say we hide here and attack when they are beneath us." I nodded in agreement with my male comrade. "You." he pointed to Kakashi and told him to go around and set up paper bombs and trip wire while we waited here. Kakashi obeyed and left while we hid ourselves. Minutes of waiting and nothing. That's weird, I had just felt their vibrations seconds ago when I checked. I closed my eyes and put my hand on the tree once again. Right then, they rushed right beneath our position, but us being top of the Anbu we're faster than them. We jumped down and attacked with ease. Between the 4 of us, we easily took out all 9 keeping one barley alive for integration. I removed my sword from it's sheath and held it to the man's neck. 

 "What was your game plan? I asked pressing it harder against his skin causing it to bleed out.  

"O-our boss ordered u-us." His eyes rolled to the back of his head due to the loss of blood. Dead. I cut his head off, getting the satisfaction of eliminating the enemy.

"Looks like we're done here." My nonchalant voice filled the silence. I looked up at my comrades acknowledging their nods of agreement. I wiped my sword off in the grass and placed it back in it's sheath. "Kakashi, you stay back and help me dispose of the bodies. The rest of you, go ahead." I ordered. Me and Kakashi stayed behind to burn all the bodies. I punched a large tree branch breaking it off. I made a pile of wood and put the bodies on top. Another one of my abilities was fire release. I formed the hand signs and fire expelled out of my mouth causing a burning sensation in my throat.  The fire caught onto the wood and bodies, deposing of all the evidence. Once that was done I used my water jutsu to put out the large flame.  

"Our job here is done, let's go Kakashi." I looked at the silver haired boy.

"Alright." He replied. We made our way back to Konoha and into the Hokage's office for the run down. Our mission was deemed successful and the Hokage surprisingly acknowledged my hard work as squad leader and deiced I could have a week off with danzo's approval of course. Leaving the Hokage's office I rushed to the Anbu quarters anxious for his approval. When I arrived in his office, he was sipping on a cup of tea. That was a good sign, usually that means his mood is moderately average. 

"Sir, with the Hokage's word, do I also have your permission for a break? I question. My face was hidden by a mask, but in reality I was anxious to hear his answer. "All your missions have indeed been successful due to your leading skills, so I suppose I can permit a week's break." He said taking another sip of his steaming tea. "Thank you, sir." I bowed and left his office and into the locker to change into my casual clothing. I found myself feeling somewhat normal walking the streets without my uniform on. Looking at all the shinobi walking with their wives and children warmed my heart making me smile. I should really retire and live an average life...

13 years later

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