Chapter: Thirty-Two

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- Not to brag or anything...but that's where I live...

Usually I'd be bored if I was in a coma, but with the powers I received from Nova I was able to travel into different realities and dimensions. I didn't like to, though because it made me feel guilty for leaving everyone behind in the real world. But there was this one reality that I felt safe in. I wish I could just live there forever. 

As I sat in complete darkness, occasionally hearing the nurses come in to check on me. I thought I could at least try, to let my soul leave my, dark empty head. I focused myself and felt my soul shiver. It kinda felt like being touched in a sensitive spot. The shivers stopped and I now stood in the galaxy. I laid down on my back in the star position. I was in the middle of the galaxy surrounded by the beautiful swirls of stars. This was the most peaceful thing. I was laying on the place where I lived. Where Kakashi was. Obito...

"Thought you'd be here."

I stood up to my feet and stared at the figure, that had appeared out of know where. I smiled and held my arms out. She ran over to me and jumped into my arms. Her hair still had that sweet, white marshmallow smell. I pulled away and touched her now long hair. 

"You grew your hair out?!

"Yeah, I thought I should change things up." Kai smiled. 

"Well, I love it." I laid back down as did Kai. "How'd you know I was here? 

"I come here too. I love the feeling of looking down, knowing our people are in there." She ran her fingers over the stars. I understood what she meant. They're safe. In a beautiful world. 

"Do you ever feel guilty going anywhere else? I asked.

"Yeah, it's weird. This is the only place I'm okay with." Kai put her hands in her lap. 

"I wonder if it's because we're new to this ability? 

"Maybe there's just things humans aren't meant to see. I think we should only transfer our souls here." Kai was right. She's young, but mature. If I was her age I'd be traveling everywhere in this universe. 

"Yeah, who knows what's out there and what could happen if we found out." I stood to my feet and stared to walk around the Milky Way,  spinning around. Kai watched me act like a child in disbelief. I finished my lap around and sat back down. Kai flipped over and laid on her stomach. She held herself up with her elbows and stared into the hot, balls of fire. I copied her position and ran my finger through the stars. 

"How's everything with the Akatsuki? 

"Not good. They moved to a different hideout before the leaf could get to them. But it's my fault. I should've tried harder to help them." I blamed myself for everything honesty. Think about it. 

"I can read minds you know. Y/n don't blame yourself. It's neither of our faults." Kai sighed.

"It feels like it. We were gifted with great power Kai, and I can't even save them from the leaf." I was born and raised in the leaf and appreciate them for giving me a life, but I made another. With the Akatsuki. I'd pick them over the leaf any day. Kakashi isn't mine anymore. He made it clear he's no longer in love me with. 

"What was it like with Makito, before me?

"Ha, it's funny you ask that." Kai chuckled. 

"What's so funny?

"If anything it's my fault." Kai's mood changed faster than lightning. 

"How so....

"Makito was gonna send me alone to the Akatsuki, but I begged him to find me a partner. Then you came along. I'm the reason you were kidnaped, y/n. I'm so sorry and if I knew I wouldn't have-

"Kai! It's not your fault. It was fate, I guess." I smiled and the trembling girl. It wasn't anyone's fault. We just happen to be with the Akatsuki when the Leaf attacks. Kai calmed down and nodded. 

"I better be getting back to Makito. Have fun being in your coma." She laughed. Kai faded into ash and was gone. I was left alone laying on the stars. I was waving my hand through the stars feeling the tingle of tiny planets rubbing against my hand. 

"What should we do with her?

My head became heavy and that meant people were talking in the hospital room. I put my hands together and came back to the realistic reality. I couldn't see, but my hearing was clearer than water. 

"I think we should take her."

"No. The leaf will come looking for her. We can't risk it."

"She's one of us."

"Leave it. We came to check on her, that's all. Now lets go Tobi."

"Fine...."Tobi whined. 

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