Chapter: Thirty-One

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"Kakashi." I didn't have to turn around. I knew his voice. 

"Why are you here." He said more angry. I finally got the courage to turn around. Man do I regret this. His face said it all. Angry, jealousy, sadness. The Kakashi I once was in love with was dead. 

"None of your concern." I looked at the ground. Why can't I look at him! 

"It is. You're a rouge ninja." 

"I didn't chose this Kakashi. I want you to know that."

"Why. Are. You. Here." Kakashi walked closer to me. Each step he took I dreaded. My heart rate picked up as I felt his body near mine. This is my chance to explain everything to him. 

"A guy named Makito is the one who abducted me. He wanted information on the Akatsuki. He trained me and a girl. Once we were ready he sent us here. It took awhile, but we sent him all we knew." 

"How did you get the information." Kakashi asked. I sighed and rubbed my head. He knew it was coming and I saw it on his face. 

"He-he wanted us to have relationships to sucker them up. And It worked. We've learned new techniques and I've become stronger." 



"How many did you sleep with." His words were emotionless as ever. The usual Kakashi. 

"T-two." I whispered. I saw Kakashi get jealous from the corner of my eye. I turned to look at him and smiled softly.

"I'm sorry, Kakashi. For everything. I understand if you h-

Kakashi took down his mask and cut me off with his lips on mine. It's been soooo longgggg since I've felt his warm body against mine. I had no idea how much I missed this. His lips and mine were made for each others. He slipped his tongue in my mouth and poked around. Taking over. He swept me off my feet and laid me on the bed. Obito's bed, Hehe. He continued to kiss me harder than before. He pulled away and whispered in my ear.

"You're mine now." He put his lips on mine and continued to French me. I smiled not being able to control myself. I felt Kakashi's hand leave my ass and to my throat. I then felt something cold and sharp, pressing against my skin. I pulled away and looked down. Kakashi was holding a kunai to my throat. Little beads of blood dripping. 


"You're a traitor." He glared. His headband was up, revealing his Sharingan, this always made me uneasy. It wasn't even his, Obito fucking gave it to him! 

"I had no choice. I alread-

Kakashi pressed the knife harder causing more blood to flow down my neck. I Started to see white fuzzy dots and went dizzy. 

"Stop." I said quickly. 

"No, I've been sent by the Hokage to find and kill the Akatsuki. You're apart of them." 

"I'm not, damn it. I already said, I'm a spy." I spat. 

"I don't believe you, sorry." Kakashi pressed the knife harder making my blood gush. My neck was now covered in warm blood. 

"You're making this personal... It's because I left on a mission... and you're mad you couldn't... save me." I coughed blood. Kakashi stared at me for a minute before pulling the knife away. I breathed in as much air my lounges could handle. I pressed my hands on my neck to stop the bleeding. That didn't do shit and now my hands and arms are dripping with blood. 

"If I tried to escape they'd kill me. Would you rather have me dead? I choked on blood. 

"Listen here, I don't trust you y/n. Not anymore at least. I'll help you back into the leaf, but you leave the Akatsuki and Makito or whatever his name is." Kakashi looked around the room as if someone was watching. 

"I don't trust myself either." I took my hands of my neck and let the blood continue to bleed out. Kakashi watched as my shirt soaked with blood. My blood. 

"Sorry." Kakashi said randomly. 


Kakashi cut me off by elbowing me in the head. He obviously wanted me knocked out for some reason. 

I've been asleep for what felt like hours. I was awake in my head, but everything was black. I could hear people talking and moving around the room I was in. I'm assuming it was the hospital. 

"I don't expect her to wake up for months." 

"Damn, you hit her head that hard?

"I didn't have a choice. She's a threat now."

"I really hope not. She's a friend, not an enemy."

"Kurenai don't let your emotions get in the way." 

"No, Kurenai's right. Y/n's a good person. She's messed up in the head, but she wouldn't betray the village or us. You guys know that deep down." 

"We don't know if that's true anymore. She seemed too close with the Akatsuki." 

"We're not going to give up on her. Never." That voice walked out of the room. I heard the door slam, while the other people continued to talk shit about me. I couldn't make up who's voice that was. It seems Kurenai knows them. I'm glad Kurenai didn't turn on me. I could really use an ally right now. 

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