Chapter: Twenty- Seven

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Tobi handed me a blanket and I sat next to him, leaving some space so I didn't look too desperate for attention. Deidara and Kai sat up front, with her still sitting between his legs. I'm still cold as hell, but I would never do that with Tobi well Obito maybe, but the others only know him as Tobi. 

"Are you still cold? Tobi asked in his child voice. 

"Eh, not really." I lied. Tobi nodded his head, but he kept eyeing me every time I shivered. After a couple minutes my hands started shaking and I couldn't stop them. 

"I thought you said you weren't colddddd." Tobi teased. 

"I'm. Not." I said annoyed.

"Yes you are. You're shaking." He taunted. 

"So what if I'm cold. We're in the middle of the mountains, what'd you expect." I snapped. Tobi just laughed and stood up. 

"Tobi what are you do- 

Tobi sat down behind me and I was now sitting between his legs just like Kai and Deidara. I froze and turned a bright red. Kai and Dei saw me blushing at Tobi, but I'm blushing at Obito. I felt his chest come closer to my back. I felt warmer in seconds. Wrapped in a blanket. Leaning against Obito's chest. His legs on each side of me. Things couldn't get any better.


1 week later. 

It's been a week since we left Nova's Estate. Me and Kai aren't sure what had happened there, but all we know is that we're 20x stronger and can read the future. Kai can read minds too now. I was already capable of doing that so nothing changed. 

Me and Kai were sitting on the living room couch on our week off. Kai sat on the floor watching tv while I sat on the couch, braiding her hair. She was watching 'The Dark Night' I think she only watches that because the Batman is super cute. 

"Hey Y/n can you come play with meeeee." Whined Tobi who was sitting right next to Kai. 

"I'm busy Tobi. Go find Deidara or Hidan." I said 

"They said no."

"How would you know. You've been sitting here the whole damn time." I faced Tobi. He gasped and ran away like a child. I rolled my eyes and continued my work with Kai's hair.  We finished the movie and her hair was all braided. I went into my room to change my clothes. I thought it would be a good idea to go shopping and restock everything in the kitchen. Since the people who live  here have no idea how to cook or clean. 

"Okay I'm heading out." I told the few people sitting on the living room couch. 

"Where are you going." Asked Kai. 

"Shopping." I rolled my eyes at her and Deidara. She was sitting on his lap playing with his long, blonde hair. 

"K, bye." I heard her yell from behind. 

The store was a bit of a travel, but I didn't mind the exercise. I was always superstitious when I left the hideout. You never know who you'll run into. For example; Kakashi, Naruto, Genma literally anyone from the fuckin Hidden Leaf. 


I finished shopping and had two tote bags filled with all types of food. Mostly healthy food. Before me and Kai joined the Akatsuki they only had Pizza's and takeout. And I DO NOT stand for unhealthy eating. Makito always made sure we were fed well and had access to lots of greens. Speaking of Makito, I should probably write to him and update on our mission. It's crazy to think that we're not really with the Akatsuki. Only spy's working for a power seeking man. 

I reached the hideout and opened the door. Hidan saw me with bags full of food and quickly walked away.

"Thanks for your help Hidan! I yelled sarcastically. After I yelled that, Tobi's head popped out from the corner. 

"I see you Tobi." I sighed. 

"Tobi will help y/n. Cuz Tobi's a good boy." He giggled. 

"Just shut up and take the bag." I handed him a bag and we carried them into the kitchen. 

"Thanks Tobi." I rubbed his shoulder as I began to put the grocery's away. 

"Eww, Tobi hates Broccoli." He whined looking at all the greens. 

"Then don't eat it."

"Hmm! He huffed and walked away. It's so weird seeing him like that. I know him as Obito, not some man-child. Others walked into the kitchen and made rude comments on the food I bought, but I Ignored them and their bad eating habits. 

"Y/n I thought you went shopping? Kai teased sitting on a stool. 

"Shut the hell up Kai." I slammed the refrigerator closed. I grabbed my tote bags and stomped back into my room pissed off. I thought they would at least appreciate me trying to help them. I threw the bags into the closet and jumped on my bed. The sun was about the set and it was almost time for bed, but I sensed someone in my room. 

"Obito what are you doing in my room." I sighed laying on my side. 

"We need to talk." He spoke from behind me. I rolled over and laid there waiting for him to speak. 

"It's about-

"Wait! before you say anything. If it's about the Broccoli then I can't help you there." I laughed. 

"No." He growled. 

"Then what? 

He didn't say anything. He just stood there staring at me. I couldn't read him and his body langue. 

"Obito? I slid off the bed and walked over. Looking up at him. I didn't know what It was inside me, but I wanted to kiss him. Maybe he did too? There's only one way to find out. I stood on my tippy toes quickly and put my lips on his. I pulled away quick after. Shit why did I kiss him he's still in love with Rin. 

"Shit, sorry Obito." I got embarrassed and turned red. I held my arms around my body and turned around. I closed my eyes hoping he would leave my room, but he didn't. His hand went on my shoulder and he turned me around to look at him.

"Don't be sorry." After he said that he pulled me into him and kissed me. His hands in my hair and my arms slowly rising to his neck. Once they were there I pulled myself onto him even more. Obito slowly shifted his feet towards me. I knew what he was trying and I obeyed. We made it to the bed and slumped over. Obito carefully fell on top of my body. 

"Mmm Obito, should we be doing this? I whispered while he kissed my neck. 

"It's up to you." He looked up into my eyes. Begging for this to happen. I smirked and nodded. 

"Keep going." I smiled. Obito kissed me again and got rougher by the second. 


Okay next chapter will be a lemon so beware loves....

-Kate Uchiha💛

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