Chapter: Thirty-Nine

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Y/n's pov

While waiting for the right moment to transform completely, I had felt my soul bubble. Someone or something was trying to get in contact with me. I opened the nearest portal to the signal that I was receiving and found Obito trying to enter my dimension. Obito appeared in front of me and I changed into my human silhouette so it felt some what normal talking to me.

"Obito? why are you back?

"Kakashi needs to hear all of this from you. I told him what I know, but it might not be enough to convince him." Obito pleaded.

"I can't see why It matter's, Obito. There's no point in trying to find excuses for anything. Plus, I don't want him to see me like this."

"I understand that, but you can't leave things like this. Not between the two of you."

"What do you mean." I asked out of pure curiosity.

"You still love each other...

I laughed slightly shaking my head. "Kakashi thinks I'm a monster. He has no interest in talking to me." I sighed.

"Please y/n, trust me." Obito went back towards the portal and stepped inside.

"Wait! Obito before you go I have something to tell you." My silhouette figure swiftly moved to where he was standing. Or floating I guess I should say.

"What is it?

"Thank you for everything, I'll always love you Obito. Always." I said while embracing him in a sincere hug. I knew that was the last time I'll see him. It broke my heart, but we are both going to two different places after death. I pulled away from the hug and kissed his scared cheek lightly. A small smile could be seen on his lips. His precious smile that could melt anyone. He stepped through the portal leaving me alone...

My body stared to bubble again and I saw a figure stepping through the still open portal. Kakashi. This would be my first time seeing him after...our encounter that didn't end so well.

"Y/n, is that you? Kakashi stared at me in dis belief. All my body features could be seen faintly with the exception of my glowing skin and hair.

"It's been a minute, Kakashi." I smiled. "May we go somewhere more appealing?

"Yes." just a simple 'yes' escaped kakashi's lips.

I reached out for his bloody hands and transported us somewhere more light and opening. It was back to one of our first dates when we did the paintings of the things we loved or wanted most.

Kakashi painted me running through a field in the sun and I painted a boat in a pond, with a young girl sitting in it. I decided to transport us to a copy of the field Kakashi painted. It was a complete different universe, but an exact replica of it.

Me and Kakashi stood in the field of dandelions with our fingers intertwined, looking over the setting, golden sun.

"Is this the...

"Yea, it is." I tilted my head smiling at him. There's no point in having any bad blood with him. I don't hate him anyways. I never could...

His smile...his eyes, everything about him told me what I needed to know. At least I hope what I was thinking was right.

"Here, lets sit." I said crossing my legs together. Kakashi sat beside me, still gripping onto my glowing hand.

"So, what are you? Kakashi asked. I laughed and shook my head.

"Kakashi...I'm sure Obito told you already, but I'm dead and there's no brining me back. I'm just waiting for the right time to complete my transformation. After that, who knows what's gonna happen to me." I sighed.

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