Chapter: Three

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Edited Version:

3 weeks later

I've officially moved myself into my old house in the leaf. All my furniture and belongings are now organized to my liking and I can call it my home. Mostly everything was normal besides Kakashi. It was kind of awkward since the last time we saw each other. We've seen each other on the streets and all, but it was only ever a split second of eye contact. I've finally met his students he mentioned before. Names were, Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura. They were all very sweet kids and I'm surprised Kakashi passed them with his stubbornness. 

Naruto and Sasuke were the ones who caught my eyes immediately. Especially Naruto with his bright personality and strong will of fire. Sasuke on the other hand was a negative nelly, but I sensed this strong aura from him. He was defiantly similar to his older brother. 

My last mission was a bit of a drag so Lady Hokage offered me the day off today and I gladly accepted without any hesitation. While walking through town I noticed a bar and thought one drink would be refreshing on a hot day like this one. I sat down quietly and saw a familiar face from across the bar table. It happened to be my old friend Genma. I sat up from my seat and invited myself to sit next to him. 

"Hey, what are you doing here this time of day? I asked, making the brunette turn his head at my voice. 

"Just drinking." He said plainly. 

"Wow Genma, you seem to be enjoying yourself very much." I teased, ordering my f/d. Genma arched his eyebrow and twitched the Senbon in his mouth. 

"You sure you can handle that?

I tilted my head innocently and nodded my head. The bartender handed me my drink and I finished it within seconds. That actually tasted amazing and I decided to order another, this time only drinking half of it. 

"That's enough for you. y/n" Genma took my drink and put it on the other side of him.
He eyed me suspiciously and continued to drink his liquor. 

"What? I questioned. 

"You're trying to get drunk aren't you." 

"Well yeah it's my day off. Why wouldn't I? 

"True, but you know it's not polite to get drunk in the middle of the day and walk around drunk with young children around." Genma said with a smirk. Damn this Mother fucker really just called me out. 

"Oh right." I looked down at my feet, nodding my heading. He was honestly right. I could already  feel my face heating up and my head getting fuzzy. Genma sighed loudly and shook his head 'no' 

"Here, let me help you home." He sat up from the stool and paid for our drinks. I looked up confused, soon realizing he was trying to help me and my drunk ass home. I grabbed onto his arm and pulled my weight up, slightly causing Genma to lean over unbalanced. He pulled himself up and lead me out of the bar, heading towards the direction of my house. 


I took my keys out of the pocket of my pants and unlocked the door as I leaned on Genma for support. I swung the door open and Mono came running stopping in front of us and turned in circles. We both took our shoes off and went into my home making ourselves comfortable on the couch. Mono followed us and she placed her head on Genma knee. 

"Do you need me to feed her, you drunk." He laughed scratching Mono's head making her tail wag violently. I rolled my head over to the right and look at Genma letting myself loose, laughing my ass off for some stupid reason. 

"Y/n, you're literally so drunk." He laughed sitting up heading into my kitchen to feed my dog. Genma had stopped laughing, but I continued to giggle hysterically not able to contain myself of laughter. 

"Y/n, calm down it wasn't that funny." he Patted my back sitting back down next to me as Mono devoured her lunch. My laughing slowly faded and I turned my head to look up at Genma. 

"You know Genma." I slurred taking a deep breath after. "You're really pretty." I closed my eyes resting my head on my hand. 

"Uh, thanks y/n." I narrowed his eyes at me in confusion. 

"You know being in the Anbu at such a young age I never really had time for boys, but I always thought you were kind of cute." I said playing with my opal necklace. 

"I'm glad you think that y/n, but I really should get going." He said frantically. I rolled my eyes and stood up making my way to the sliding back door. Not to brag, but I have the most beautiful garden. It was Full of roses, tulips, dahlias and all different kinds of flowers. Towards the back of the yard, near the tall, white fence was a large cherry blossom tree. Under that tree was a wooden bench that looked over my pond. I took a seat under the tree waiting for Genma to join me, as I expected he followed me outside amazed at the sight. 

"Y/n your backyard is...beautiful." He sat down next to me admiring my garden. I sighed and threw my head back moaning in pain as the headache started to spread through my head. From the corner of my eye I saw a small blush cover Genma's cheek after my redundant moan. I pulled my head back to a normal position. 

"Hey Genma can I say something." I questioned, narrowing my eyebrows. 

"Just say it y/n." He responded bluntly 

"You know, I've never kissed anyone before." 

"Oh really." He actually seemed genuinely astonished. I nodded my head slowly, agreeing with his words. I looked up into Genma's deep brown eyes and gave him the sweet doe eyes. For being drunk as fuck I'm surprised I haven't thrown up on him. Genma and I slowly leaned in for a kiss. Once our lips met, he put one of his hands on my waist, while my hands made their way to his neck. I pulled myself onto his lap straddling him. Not breaking the kiss, I straightened my back up, so I was taller than him. Genma licked my bottom lip, desperately wanting to enter my mouth.  I denied his request, trying to tease him. 

Getting his ego hurt, he took one of his hands from my waist and slid it up my back, under my shirt. His cold hands sending shivers through my skin. I gasped at the sudden touch and his tongue slid in my mouth. As both of our breathing got heavy, I pulled away first taking a deep breath of air. Genma watched as I struggled to balance my breathing and smirked sheepishly. 

"That was pretty good for your first kiss y/n." Genma laughed lightly. 

"I guess those books I read give me some short of knowledge." I giggled tucking a piece of lose hair behind my ear. Wait a damn minute, I shouldn't have said that out loud, that's so fucking embarrassing. 

"Right. I better get going y/n, I'll see you later though." He smiled and left, jumping over my fence leaving me alone with my dreadful thoughts. Why am I so fucking stupid when I drink. 

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