Chapter: Thirty-Three

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"Tobi? I tried talking, but my voice only echoed through my mind. It was empty, nothing but my soul. I put all my strength together to wake up. My body was like cement. I felt so heavy and dead. Please God, just let me wake up and talk to my family. C'mon 'cmon! Move you stupid bitch. I squeezed my eyes shut and pushed myself up. It was hard, but I'm close. I can feel it. My soul is returning to my body! 

"Tobi wait! My eyes opened and I looked around for Tobi. All I saw was the wires that ran to my arms and stomach. Not to mention the handcuff on my left hand. I tired pulling free but it was no use. I guess I just had to sit here until the nurses-

"Psst, Y/n! Someone whisper yelled from the window. I gasped and smiled. 

"Kai, quick!

She softly jumped onto the floor and quickly tip-toed to my bed. She took out my Iv and unattached the heart monitors that were on my chest. 

"Okay let's go! She whispered. 

"Wait! I stared at the handcuff that still remained on my wrist. Kai rolled her eyes and ran back over. She took a hair pin from her ponytail and stuck it in the key hole. She wiggled it around until there was a click. My wrist was now free and I swung my legs off the bed.

"Here, change real quick." Kai threw me clothes and I stripped myself, putting on the clothes. She also gave me shoes, since I was only wearing socks. We climbed out the window and hit the ground. It shook my legs but I kept running. It was nighttime and I couldn't see very well, I tripped a few times. 

"Follow me." Kai whispered. We ran into an alley that was pitch black.

"Kai it's a dead end?

"Juts trust me." Kai took my hand and we stood in front of the dead end. She pressed a brick and the ground beneath us rattled. I looked down and the ground opened. We dropped down and fell into a pitch black, pit.


"Shh, It's fine just keep walking straight." I kept hold of her hand as we continued to walk slowly through the darkness. I wasn't sure where Kai was taking me. I hope out of the village and to the Akatsuki. No, I take that back. What if they're mad at me? They'll kill me with even thinking about it. 

"Okay we're out of the village now. Just a little further to be sure, alright? 

"Got it." I whispered. We continued down the tunnel, until we saw an opening. There was a wood latter placed against the dirt wall and two torches on each side of the latter. 

"Who lit those?

"It's automatic. When we opened the tunnel they turned on." She climbed up the latter escaping my view. I followed behind her and climbed out of the man hole. I stood to my feet and looked around, observing my whereabouts. We were in a tulip field. Acres of tulips, I should say.

"Kai what the hell. Why are we here? I asked. Kai shook her head and sighed.

"Tobi, She's here now." Kai said randomly. Why the hell would she say that? 

"Good, Your work is done here." Tobi appeared from behind her. Kai looked up from the ground with pain in her eyes. A single tear, dripped from her right eye. 

"I'm sorry Y/n. I really did like you." Kai faded away into flower petals. Now it was just me and Tobi, Facing each other. One with anger and the other with confusion. 

"Tobi? I sighed. He didn't have that stupid orange mask on. It was white and had three holes. I could see his Sharingan and Rinnegan. When the hell did he get the Rinnegan!

"What the fuck is going on." I grew concerned. 

"You really want to know? 

"Yeah, I do! I raised my voice. 

"It's simple y/n, you see Kai was never spying on the Akatsuki, infact she was one of us-

"Wait! stop, stop, stop. You're saying Kai was apart of your group!?


"So, who the hell was Makito? 

"He doesn't exist. It was a clone, sent to capture you and force you to join the Akatsuki." 

"Why would you want me." This has to be a joke at this point. 

"You're not as innocent as you think." Obito growled. 

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