Chapter: Twenty- Six

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Nova had sealed the door shut when we were farther in. The water splashed between our legs making the walls echo. We struggled through the murky, dark water. My candle went out from a sudden breeze. I reached into my pocket and lit another. When the light illuminated the tunnel I looked back at Kai and shrugged my shoulders. When I returned my glance to my front view I saw a stone wall. I walked closer to it and fell into deep water. I quickly put my arm up to save the candle. The water stopped at my chin. 

"What the fuck, here Kai take the candle." I handed her the candle. I found the ledge of the drop-off and put my hands on it. I pulled myself into the shallow water and sighed. I was now fully soaked in water that's God knows how old. 

"It's a dead end." Kai said standing on the edge of the drop-off looking down. I shook my head and wrung the water out of my hair. 

"No, there's a doorway or something down there." I sniffed and put my hands on my hips and rotated my head around the tunnel, scanning the narrow walls. 

"How the hell do we get down there without running out of air? 

I really had to think about this before responding. One, this doorway could release all the water and we can continue. Two, the door opens and we have to continue underwater in pitch black. Three, It's a dead end and we're trapped down here. 

"I'm not sure Kai. But there's 3 main possibility's." I walked closer to the drop-off and stared into the murky water. 

"And they are? Kai asked almost irritated. I sighed loudly and turned to look at Kai. 

"The water will drain if we open the doorway, Or there's more water and we have to travel under water. Lastly it's sealed up. Though I'm not sure, it's too murky to tell." I glanced back at the water. 

"Screw it Kai, I wanna get back to our family." I jumped into the deep water and my feet landed at the bottom. I felt around for a handle or something, but the bottom was just brick laid out flat with slimy algae growing. I then felt around the walls for anything. I was starting to run out of breath and used my legs to push myself up from the bottom. I reached the surface and held onto the ledge, inhaling as much air as possible. 

"Anything? Kai asked worried. 

"N-no, nothing yet." I was short breathed. Once I got my lungs in a rhythm again I went back under water. I didn't go as deep this time. Searching the upper walls for anything. I felt each brick pressing, rubbing and pulling hoping to trigger something. I ran out of breath again and went up for air. 

"Kai I can't see shit down there." I breathed out.

"Shit, really? What are we gonna do? 

"I'm not sure, Why the fuck would Nova trap us down here if there's no way out? 

"Y/n, what if none of this was real. You don't think Pein would send us here to get rid of us? Kai started to freak out. 

"Hey, hey Kai listen to me, It's gonna be okay." I went into the shallows and hugged Kai, I sometimes forget that she's much younger than me. I let go of her and held her face. 

"Nova, nor Pein are the bad-guys here. We know this, don't doubt anyone okay? She nodded and I let go of her face. I don't think my powers will work down here but It's worth a shot. I went on my knees and the water went right above my boobs. I levitated my hands right above the water. I was struggling with this water. It seemed it was almost resisting me. I tried even harder, squeezing every muscle in my body. 

"Kai, it's not working! I grunted with gritted teeth. My hands started glowing a bright blue. I was pushing all the power I had to my hands. I was determined to get me and Kai out of here. I meant it when I said I wanted to see my family again. The water soon started the spin, creating a whorl-pool. I looked down the eye of it and saw a lose brick. I lifted the water up against the ceiling. All the water was now above us. 

"Kai I can't hold it for long. Jump down there and remove that brick, I think somethings under it! I yelled over the crashing water. Kai landed at the bottom of the pit and moved the brick. 

"Y/n there's a button!

"Press it!

"What if- 

"I said press it! 

The water was gaining control over me and it kept pushing itself back down. I didn't give 2 shits if that button did something else. We have to try anything, if it meant seeing my family again. For some reason Obito kept running through my head. All I could see was his beautiful scarred face. His voice ringing in my ears. His laugh that I used to hear everyday. Rain or shine. 

"Kai what taking so long!

I heard a loud grunt. She put all her strength together and pressed it. It's either life or death at this point. 


 Kai's voice fell faint and echoed away. I ran to the edge and saw a hole. The ground had opened up. I didn't waist any time and jumped down. It was a slide that had many twists and turns. I looked back and saw the water chasing after me. I whipped my head forward and saw light. I also saw, snow? Oh shit! This leads outside to the mountains. I prepared myself. I was then flying threw the air. I couldn't help but scream. I mean I was falling to my death. I soon felt something hard underneath me. I open my eyes and saw Deidara and Kai. Deidara had one of his clay birds. Kai was upfront wrapped in a blanket and sitting between Dei's legs. 


A loud familiar voice yelled. I turned around, I knew it was Tobi. I would probably hear about it later from him but I couldn't help but jump into his arms and lay on top of him, embracing him with a hug. 

"I missed you Tobi." I said into his warm neck. I didn't want to pull away. It felt so nice and warm. His body just felt like...home. I pulled away and slowly turned my head to Deidara and Kai. They gave me an odd look and laughed. 

"Umm? Kai and Dei both said. 

"Shut up! I teased. I turned back to Tobi and smiled at him. He had his mask on but, I knew he had a smile.

-Okay that was a lot of writing and planning. Hope you liked it! ~ Yayyy Y/n and Kai are finally back with their 'family' 


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