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I was on my dinner break, eating in the corner of the pub when I felt a presence next to me. My hand slowly glided toward the dagger on my belt until I looked above and saw a face I had not seen since I was a child.

"Gandalf!" I stood up and hugged the wizard. 

"Ah, yes, my dear Reyna Felins Thanguril. It's lovely to see you again, and quite grown up I see!" 

"I suppose I am!" I smiled and invited him to sit with me as I continued to eat dinner. "It's been so long! How are you, Sir Gandalf?" I ask as I take a bite out of my buttered roll.

He nods and replies, "Well, I suppose I've been alright...I often ponder if that is what people want to hear instead of the truth. Most expect me to say 'Alright'. Yet that answer varies from person to person, so I wonder what their understanding of 'Alright' means for that individual. So to be specific, I mean it in the sense that I'm doing exceptionally fine. " 

Gandalf chuckles at my slightly raised eyebrow as I try to comprehend what the wizard explained to me. He's definitely the same Gandalf I remember. 

"That's good to hear... I think?" I said with a laugh as he smiles and nods. 

"You appear to be doing somewhat well for yourself, Reyna. You've outfitted yourself with some fine gear." He says as he motions over my armor.

"Thank you, sir! I've been saving up and working odd jobs as you can tell

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"Thank you, sir! I've been saving up and working odd jobs as you can tell..." 

He slightly tilted his head, "What kind of jobs? A ranger, a herbal shaman, what about mercenary work perhaps? " 

I shook my head with a sad smile, "No, not many people hire 'mutts', so I have to find work wherever I can. Working here has been mediocre but it pays well enough to get by." I say looking over at the barkeepers and then back to Gandalf. 

"These folk in this quaint town call you a mutt? I was indeed wondering why you were wasting your talents here as a Pub Watcher... " He says looking quite disappointed as he scanned over the crowd of drunken people. He shakes his head and returned his eyes to me as I nod feeling quite ashamed. "My dear, Rayna." Gandalf softly says as he puts a hand over mine that rested on the table and continues to speak, "Don't listen to their terribly profound comments. Your elven ears, your dwarven height, and your human nature are what make you unique. "

I smile at him and nod. "Yes, I do suppose my name also speaks for my mixed races. Having a human first name, dwarven middle name, and elven last name. " I say with a slight laugh.

"Indeed my dear. Your parents picked those names for you, although quite long indeed, they remind you of where you came from "

A soft smile appears on my face as I think of my Father, Barron, who was half-dwarf, half-human. He was Thorin Oakenshield's best friend of many years and second in command. Before they went to battle to reclaim Moria, my father asked Thorin to be my godfather because my mother, Cellinil, a full elf, died whilst giving birth to me... After my father was found to be slain in battle, I was raised for most of my life by Thorin alongside Fili and Kili Durin, his nephews, who were my great friends... My mind wonders as I think about what they've been doing after I stopped receiving letters from them a year or so ago.

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