Chapter 6: The Cave and The Connection

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"Hold on, Reyna! " Kili yelled as he tried to get out of the individual sacks that they had all been stuck in. 

Everyone had been getting out of their sacks and I followed their lead. I managed to get out of mine with Kili's help in removing my arms from the sack, and I felt a jolt of pain at his touch but ignored it. 

"Are you alright? " I asked him.

Kili laughed, held my face, and said, "You hit your head on a rock wall, but you're worried if I'm hurt? " 

"I've been told I'm heard headed... And of course, I am, now answer the question. " I smirked as he chuckled.

 "Yes, I'm alright. "

He tried to help me up and touched my upper arm. A wince escaped my lips, his face dropped and became more concerned. He untied my shoulder and arm pads and dropped them on the ground. Kili looked at the sleeve on my shirt, "May I? " He asked. I nodded and he lifted my sleeve to reveal a large green and purple bruise starting to form all along my arm. "Mini, how did this happen? " He asked with wide eyes.

"I assume that it's from the grip that the troll had on me, I didn't expect it to bruise so quickly... " 

Ki shook his head, "I'm so, truly sorry. I left to find a leverage point and didn't see you until you were in their grasp... " 

I shrugged, "So did I until Master Baggins was cornered. " 

We laughed together and he asked, "Is there anything I can do to help? " 

"If you could grab my pack, I have some medicine and cream that should help heal the bruise and ease the pain... " 

Kili nodded and stood up, "Stay there and don't try to get up. I'll be right back. " He ran back to camp and I got to see the rest of the company, they were fixing their clothes, gathering their weapons, and helping others get out of the sacks.

Gandalf and Thorin stood by the trolls and spoke calmly to each other, I softly smiled and noticed that they had most likely made up after the argument earlier... I was pleased to see this until I remembered what the king under the mountain had said to me, I sighed because I would have to confront him again at some point soon and I wasn't in the mood to deal with that...

Kili was quick to come back with my bag and kneeled on the ground with me, I smiled to thank him and dug through the pack until I pulled the large fabric medical case out of it. It had a leather strap that held it together and once you opened it, it folded out into three sections. Each section had multiple compartments with medical tools, herbs, creams, potions, elixirs, and clean cloth pieces. 

Kili widened his eyes and asked, "Where did you learn how to use all of this? " 

"Well, Oin taught me practical medicine as well as using herbs while you and Fili were being trained on how to be a 'prince of the Durin's'. I also learned about potions, elixirs, and some spells from, Tauriel. " My eyes wandered as I recalled the memories, memories that seemed so long ago.

Kili's raised an eyebrow as I pulled out a healing cream and potions from the case, "Tauriel... Isn't she the Elf who gave you that liquid for your ears? " He asked. 

I nodded and began to apply the cream to my bruise and gently rubbed it in. " Yes, I met her in the safer parts of Mirkwood forest. She and I became quick friends and traveling partners for around eight years until she was taken in and became a captain by Thranduil, King of the Northern Mirkwood forests... Did you think that I had been alone for all these years? " I asked. 

He shrugged, "No, but I'm quite jealous of this Silvan Elf. " Once I finished applying the cream I looked at him with a confused expression and furrowed eyebrows while he smirked. "She got to be with you for all of those years, all those years that I dreamed of seeing you again... " 

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