Chapter 1: Memories and Old Friends

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I awoke to the wind brushing my face and the sound of the ruffling trees. It was dark outside... Why was it dark? "Oh, good grey heavens! " 

I said to myself as I jumped off the branch I had sat and fallen asleep on... I told myself earlier that I was going to take a much-needed nap before approaching Hobbiton because I had arrived earlier than expected. Now instead of being early, I was going to be late... I quickly walked with my pack shifting behind me as I searched for the green door with the glowing mark...

Finding the door took longer than expected, and of course, the last house I had yet to see was the one I was looking for...  I composed myself from my worries and then heard yelling from the inside. 

"No. That's my Grandpa Mungo's chair- No! Take it back, please! Take it back! It's an antique. Not for sitting on." 

I raised a confused eyebrow and shook my head. With a shaking hand, I knocked on the door. Heavy footsteps and talking grew near. 

"Let me guess, another intolerable dwarf who will join the rest of them and raid my pantry. This will be the twelfth one and I can't continue with this nonsense -" 

The door was opened by a reddish-blond, distressed hobbit who seemed quite disheveled. His eyes widened in surprise, 

"Oh... I'm- wow. I'm sorry I just didn't expect to see a lady after twelve dwarfs raided my house... It's quite refreshing actually... Are you with them? " He asked awkwardly. 

I smirked and heard laughter and loud talking, "I suppose I am. I'm Reyna Felins Thanguril, at your service! " I said as I bowed, a traditional dwarvish greeting that I was taught.

He nodded with a confused look and asked, "Bilbo Baggins at yours?.. And what do you mean by 'you suppose' you're with them? " He held the door open for me to walk in. Mr. Baggin's house was cozy and somewhat tidy, aside from the mud that trailed in, weapons in piles, and bags scattered around from what I assumed to have come from the others...

I walked further in and Gandalf appeared around the corner. "Oh, I'm glad that you chose to join us, I knew you couldn't pass this adventure up. " 

We hugged as Mr. Baggins questioned, "I'm sorry what adventure? " Then the hobbit heard a loud bang and ran into the kitchen with his fists balled up... 

Gandalf and I exchanged a chuckle and asked, "Are you ready to see them, Reyna? I didn't tell them that you were coming, I knew that they will be overjoyed with the shock of your presence! " I nodded, he walked ahead of me and announced, "Everyone! We have a new member of the company who has just arrived. " The room fell silent and I froze in fear.

"Well, who is it? " 

"Does he use an ax?" 

"Or a spear perhaps? " 

"Is his beard well kept? That says a lot about a dwarf! " 

"Hopefully he smells better than some of you lot. " They laughed loudly at the joke and I quietly giggled.

I took a deep breath, turned the corner, and walked into the doorway. Eleven dwarfs immediately became silent and looked at me with shock and confusion. Most of them seemed as if they couldn't believe I was standing there and a few looked like they didn't recognize me at all, but I couldn't blame them. It had been nearly thirty-five years since they all dispersed and went their own ways... No longer was I a child that hid behind the boys and Thorin... I was a young woman who had been on her own for quite a while.

I was worried about their reaction until I spotted Fili at the end of the table. He stood up and asked with a shocked voice, "Reyna? Is it really you? " 

"Yes, my good friend. " I said with a smile as all the dwarves stood up and cheered. Fili ran across the table, jumped off, and enveloped me in a bear hug. We let go and fully took each other appearances in, he had grown a full beard that was now braided on each side with metal clamps around them and his hair was much longer.  

I ruffled his hair and laughed as he looked over me, "I can't believe it... The little Reyna I once knew is standing in front of me, though not so little anymore! The letters you sent never really gave me an idea of what you look like, namadith!" 

We laughed and I joked, "I suppose that I never really talked about my looks... And look at you! I never expected you to grow a beard! But you did, and I might even go as far as to say that it suits you. " I smiled at him then realized that his brother wasn't in the crowd like everyone else... 

Fili noticed this and said, "Kili went to the back of the house to retrieve another ale barrel, I'll fetch him! " and ran off. 

The rest of the dwarfs crowded around and looked at me with surprised and intrigued eyes. Balin pushed his way forward and sighed with a smile, "Miss. Thanguril... My my! You are all grown up. You look lovely my dear. 

"Ni 'lassui En! (Thank you!) " I said as I hugged my old scholar. 

His smile grew and he pointed a finger at me, "I'm proud that you still use the Elven language..." 

I winked at Balin and complimented, "I did have a pretty excellent teacher!"

Dwalin patted my shoulder and I turned around, "Reyna... Look at you now... A strong lady. " He said as he squeezed my forearm. He looked over me, nodded his head, and said, "Proper armor for a proper fighter... Let me take this off of you and set it aside. " He said as he took my bag, bow, quiver, and my short sword. I thanked him and saw Bofur, he shook his head in disbelief and spoke.

"No... It can't be! Your the same little Reyna I would see running around in the forests looking for fairies? " 

I giggled, and hugged the kind dwarf, "Indeed I am, Bofur... But I'm still determined to find one, I'm just not running around barefoot and covered in mud looking for them!" We all laughed and I got to quickly speak with the rest of them until I heard a door open and close. The other dwarfs went to the dining room and began to eat as I stood alone in the foyer. 

A figure turned the corner and saw a sight for sore eyes...

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