Chapter 10: Apologies, Promises, and Hunting

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"Be on your guard. We are about to step over the Edge of the Wild. Balin, you know these paths. Lead on. " Thorin called out as we walked on a path up the mountain that would take us outside of the Hidden Valley. 

Balin took to the front of the line and led us further along the path. I took one last look at Rivendell and noticed that Master Baggins was doing the same. 

My footsteps crunched under the sound of rock and gravel as I walked toward him. "Master Baggins? Is everything alright? " 

He turned to me and nodded quickly. "Oh, yes. But I feel as though I'll miss Rivendell a lot more than I thought I would... " 

With a smile, I put my hand on his shoulder, "The kindness of the Rivendell elves are unmatched... One day you may return if you wish, but I'm afraid that we need to keep moving in order to reach the door on time. " 

He nodded and said with a small smile, "Yes, I suppose so... And you don't have to call me Master Baggins, it makes me feel quite old. You can use my first name, Bilbo if you'd prefer."

 "Alright then, Bilbo. Let's get going... " We returned to our spots in the line.

For the rest of the day, we walked through more rocky hills and came upon a small creek at the bottom of the valley that we needed to cross in the morning... Thorin had told us to make camp here for the night, I dropped my pack under a tree with a sigh and held my arms above my head to stretch. As I took a deep breath before moving my arms back down, I felt someone come up behind me and tickle my sides. I jumped in surprise and a yelp forced its way out my mouth, I turned around to see Dwalin, Nori, Oin, Bofur, Gloin, and Fili laughing. Kili was laughing the hardest as he stood directly behind me. 

My eyebrows furrowed and I smacked his shoulder, "Durin's beard, Kili! Don't do that you arse! You scared the- " Before I could continue my rant while the others laughed Thorin appeared beside me and interrupted. 

"Reyna, a word? " 

Was he going to scold me again? With a deep breath I nodded and he motioned his head over to the tree line and began to walk there. I turned back to the brothers who looked just as confused as I did.

Fili shrugged and spoke up, "Well, don't keep him waiting. " I nodded once more and trailed behind our leader. 

Thorin led us to a fallen tree log and took a seat. I sat next to the dwarf and waited for him to speak, which he did after being in deep thought for a few moments, "I don't know how to go about this... " I raised my eyebrow slightly before he continued, "You're just like your father, witty, smart, loyal, humorous... and greatly stubborn. I saw that during our argument a few weeks ago, you were defending yourself and I hadn't been challenged like that since Barron was alive... " Thorin took a deep breath, talking about this seemed really difficult for him as he was trying to find the words to say. 

"On that fateful day, I lost a great friend and you lost a father, but I was blinded by my grief for my people, my family, and my friend, that I never took much thought about everyone else and what they were mourning... Now that we've been to the Rivendell and spoken with Lord Elrond, I came to find out that you were right... I've spoken poorly to you and I deeply regret it... I apologize. "

I was taken aback, my godfather wasn't a very sentimental dwarf and had a hard time talking about such things, but I could tell that he tried to explain himself and apologize to me. My shoulders relaxed and I softly smiled, "It's alright Thorin. I understand where your coming from and I thank you. But I should also apologize, you are the leader of the company and I shouldn't have challenged you after you made up your mind... " 

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