{Part 2} Chapter 13: The Bear and Moonlight

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It's been around a year since I left the pub at Bree and agreed to be a member of Thorin's company... It's been challenging with all the injuries that I and the others have sustained, never feeling rested, not having a proper bath in months, changing weather and temperature, and constantly waiting for the word to run for your life from the creatures of Middle Earth... Yet through it all, it's been worth it. I've reunited with old friends, laughing harder than ever before, feeling a part of a community, and spending time with my favorite person, Kili...

My head hasn't fully wrapped around the fact that we've been together again because it feels as though nothing changed... I adore that black-haired dwarf yet I'm still terrified to admit it. These feelings have only grown in me during our time together but I know that he doesn't feel the same... He can't. Right?... He's a prince who will help take back and revive Erebor, I don't want to get in the way of that...

Even though he gets in my way all the time, such as right now.

A week or so has come and gone since we were at the goblin lair. Now we were in a small rocky forest of some kind and I was leaning against a rock formation. I must have been staring in front of me for a while because Kili waved his hand in front of my face. "You there, Mini? " He said as I was pulled out of my thoughts...

With a roll of my eyes I answered, "Yes, I was admiring the view. "

He turned his head to where I was staring and looked back at me with a shrug, "It's not much to look at, just a lot of trees and rocks... Is the raven that we ate last night making you see things? " Ki gave me a playful grin.

I lightly shoved him, "Maybe... Don't make it worse " A smirk formed on my face and I heard Bilbo come back from his scouting...

The company began to come up with a plan, "How close is the pack? " "Too close. A couple of leagues, no more. But that's not the worst of it." "Have the wargs picked up our scent? " "Not yet. But they will. We have another problem. " "Did they see you? They saw you. " "No, that's not it. " "What did I tell you? Quiet as a mouse. Excellent burglar material. " "Will you listen? Will you just listen? I'm trying to tell you there is something else out there. " "What form did it take? Like a bear? " "Yes, but bigger. Much bigger. " "You knew about this beast? I say we double back. "

The boys and I gave each other a curious look as the company continued to bicker.

"A large bear... If it's similar to a wargs size we should be able to take it, right? " I whispered.

Fili shook his head, "I wouldn't be so sure. "

Kili nodded, "Gandalf is clearly concerned by it, maybe it's different than the other bears, aside from its size of course. "

With a shrug I watched Gandalf continue the bickering along with everyone else, "There is a house... It's not far from here, where we might, uh, take refuge. " "Whose house? Are they friend or foe? " "Neither. He will help us or... He will kill us. " "What choice do we have? "

A roar echoed off the stones around us, with a huff, I threw my pack over my shoulder and we took off.

Our footsteps ran across a flower field and into another forest where another roar was heard, it wasn't like any other I'd heard before. "To the house! " Gandalf yelled as we ran together in a line. Bombur seemed to be terrified of the bear as he ran faster than all of us and made his way to the front. It was quite the sight, the boys and I exchanged looks of surprise as we continued to run.

We made it to a quaint and fenced-off piece of land where a large house sat in the center. The boys tried to push the door and began to panic as it didn't immediately open. I rolled my eyes as I lifted the latch and the doors swung open, the company ran inside and we were about to close the doors before the bear wedged its head inside. I made my way to the back of the crowd, drew my bow, and took aim to be ready if it broke through. The dwarves managed to shut the doors and barred it off with a wood plank.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2023 ⏰

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