Chapter 12: Forest Fires & Looking Ahead

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We made our way through the cavern and out into the open air. Kili dodged tree branches, jumped over rocks, and made our way down the mountain. The company rested for a moment once we were far away enough and Ki sat me down on a rock. 

"Thank you, I can imagine that carrying me wasn't easy. " I said as I tried to calm my heart rate, he waved me off.

"Your very light actually, I bet it's the elven in you. " 

Fili walked over to us and rested a hand on my shoulder as I began to laugh at his joke but stopped when my knee throbbed and reminded me that I had injured myself. I looked down and pulled up my pant leg with a gasp, my knee cap had completely shifted out of the socket, no wonder I was in so much pain. 

Kili almost began to look sick as Bofur walked over, "That's one hell of an eye sore! What happened? " 

I gave the dwarf a look, "When the king's body fell on us, some wood must have dislocated my knee and I have to set it back into place, but I can't do it alone. " 

Fili nodded and kneeled next to my knee, "What can I do? " 

"You can help me put it back. Kili, will you get the bottle with red liquid and a leather wrap? " 

Ki nodded and the company began to notice my distressed expression. 

"Good heavens! " 

"What is that? " 

"Durin's beard, is she going to cut her leg off? " 

I threw my head back as my knee continued to throb in excruciating pain, I did not want to have an audience while this was going to happen. 

Bofur seemed to understand as he patted my head and said, "Don't worry lass, I'll get them out of your hair. " With a nod, he walked to the company, "Get away you pestering weasels! She's got an injury and we need to give them a minute. Go blab about something else... Ori! Stop starring. "

Kili handed me the potion and I took a gulp, this will most likely be one of the worse pains I've ever felt before and I wanted to be ready. It started to kick in after a moment and I took a deep breath after giving the potion back to Kili. 

I slowly shifted off the rock so I was sitting in the grass and leaning against it. Fili looked at me for instructions, "Ok, Kili will hold down my shin and you put both hands around my knee. In a moment when I give you the go-ahead, you're going to use your thumbs to push it back in place. " 

"Push it back!? I can't do that! No, I don't know if I should- " 

My right hand rested on the eldest brother's shoulders, "I need Kili for support and you're the only one that can do this because you've seen this before. The kid at the old dwarven colony, remember? Please... " 

Fili looked at me and nodded with a nervous expression, "Ok, I'll try. " 

I put some of my cloak in my mouth to muffle any sounds and held Kili's hand, he placed his hand over my leg and was prepared to hold it down as whispered in my ear, "I got you, alright? " I nodded and gave Fili the look.

He began to count down. "Three, two, one. " 

The pressure and pain were horrible as he began to push it back but was met with some resistance. I grunted into my cloak as tears brimmed my squinted eyes, Fili was making noises of fear as well as disgust while Kili squeezed my hand and stared at my knee while trying not to gag. After a few moments of muffled screams as well as disturbed groans from Fili, it moved back into place with a quiet pop. 

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