Chapter 7: Wargs and The Hidden Valley

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"Kili! Reyna! Your bows! " Thorin commanded. We ran to the rest of the company and Kili shot a Warg and Dwalin axed its neck to finish it off. Thorin noted, "Warg Scouts! Which means an Orc pack is not far behind. " 

"Orc pack? " The hobbit asked but was ignored.

Gandalf approached the King under the mountain. "Who did you tell about your quest beyond your kin?" 

"No one. " Thorin stated.

"Who did you tell? " The wizard demanded an honest answer. 

Thorin stood his ground. "No one, I swear... What in Durin's name is going on? " 

"You are being hunted. " Gandalf spoke as he looked around

"We have to get out of here. " Dwalin stated. 

Ori and Bifur ran to us from another hill, the youngest of the two called out, "We can't! We have no ponies, they bolted! " 

Mister Radagast spoke up from the crowd. "I'll draw them off. " 

Gandalf turned around to look at the brown wizard with disbelief. "These are Gundabad Wargs. They will outrun you. " 

Mister Radagast stood straighter, "These are Rhosgobel rabbits... I'd like to see them try. " The brown wizard looked at me with a farewell nod and rushed to his sled. 

"What are we going to do? " I asked.

Gandalf turned to me, "We must run. Arm yourselves and make haste! " The company pulled out their swords as I unlatched one of my daggers so I could grab it at a moment's notice and grabbed Kili's hand subconsciously. I looked at him with fear in my eyes. 

He nodded slowly and squeezed my hand, "It'll be alright, just stay close... " He reassured me, but I knew that he was scared. We turned to the rest of the company and prepared ourselves... 

Mister Radagast let out a yell to draw the Warg's attention away from us as we ran out of the forest and to the jagged rocks that sprouted from the hills. My eyes squinted as I could hear the beasts growl from afar and tried to count how many footsteps I was hearing. "There's a whole pack! At least twelve of them!"

Gandalf peeked around the rocks, "Come on. " We stayed together and stuck close to the rocks, The brown wizard was zipping around the hills and plains as the Wargs continued to follow. We continued to run from rock to rock until Thorin stopped us, but Ori had run too far and he had to grab him and pull him back. "All of you, come on. Quick! " Gandalf said, we all ran past him and Thorin, and I frantically looked around to check the area for any oncoming Wargs... 

We ran to the next rock and hugged the side of it, I trembled as I heard a Warg right above us. Thorin looked over the rock slightly, turned back to Kili and I, and he nodded at our bows. Kili and I exchanged a look and nodded. We slowly pulled out our bows and nocked them with our arrows. With a quiet deep breath, I ran, planted my knee in the ground, twisted around, and shot the Orc that rode the Warg. Kili was right behind me as he quickly turned around and shot the Warg in the head. Both the Orc and Wargs groaned and screeched as they died, my ear twitched as I stood up and the company watched... The footsteps had stopped and I heard an Orc talk in Black Speech, then the footsteps started again, and growls erupted from their throats. 

"They know! They heard us! "

Gandalf yelled, "Move! Run! " 

I ran aside Kili as we both had our bows equipped but soon the Wargs were making haste towards our direction.

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