chapter five

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"hold on," normani told dinah, who was with the others waiting. "i left my phone in ally's room."

"well hurry up." dinah called to her.

normani nodded and ran back to ally's room. the window was open to ally's room. she slowed down when she saw lauren, grab ally and, move in closer to her. her eyes widened when she saw them kiss. but it was a brief kiss.

maybe it was like a friendly thing normani wanted to believe, but then she saw them kiss again. this time the kiss was more rough than the last one and lasted longer. they were basically sucking each others face off.

disturbed by the scene, normani quickly ran away.

"did you find it?" dinah asked.

"didnt see it." normani replied quickly, getting in sinu's car.


"ally... that was wow." lauren said when she pulled away. "youre a good kisser." she laughed.

"well ya know." ally laughed a long.

lauren's smile soon faded.

"whats wrong?" ally asked.

"you know that this can never happen again, we can never happen." lauren raised her eyebrow at the small girl.

"what why?" ally sat up in her bed.

"im still with camila."

im still with camila

those words hit ally like a ton of knives stabbing at her back, but that feeling soon washed away with guilt. she kissed her best friend's girlfriend.

"um, i think ill go check on camila. she should be up anytime soon now." lauren said, trying to leave the room as soon as possible.

ally sighed and touched her lips. she already missed the feeling of lauren's there.

what is wrong with me? ally asked herself. this is your best friend's girlfriend. not yours. since when did you even start liking girls?

ally curled up with her pillow, hoping sleep would take over her. and that this was all just a dream.


"hey where have you been?" dinah asked lauren who had reentered camila's spot in the hospital.

"i went for a walk... just to clear my mind." she told her.

"oh... well guess what?" dinah's face grew into a huge smile.


"camila's awake!"

"are you serious?!"

"yup! and she's been asking for you." dinah smirked and pushed lauren to the door. "go."

lauren laughed and had her hand on camila's knob, ready to open the door.

"can i talk to you?" normani stopped her.

"um sure." lauren looked back at the door before walking off with mani.

they went further down the hall so no one could listen.

"whats this about?" lauren questioned.

"i saw you." normani stated bluntly.

"you saw me?" lauren was now confused.

normani sighed. "i saw you. meaning, i saw you and ally making out."

"oh my god." lauren's eyes widened. "im so sorry!" she rambled. "please dont tell camila!"

"i wont."

lauren sighed in relief. "thanks so much normani-"

"you will."

lauren froze. "what?"

"you heard me." normani gave a good hard stare and pointed at lauren. "you're telling her."

"i cant..." she sighed.

"the longer you wait to tell her, the more pissed she'll be."

lauren knew normani was right. she had to tell her.

lauren slowly walked back to camila's room. "hey sunshine..." she said softly.

"lauren!" camila squealed. she looked terrible, but to lauren she looked beautiful.

"hi baby." lauren smiled and sat next to her. "how ya feeling?"

"better now that you're here." camila smiled and grabbed lauren's hand.

"im so glad youre okay." lauren softly squeezed her hand.

"my back really hurts." camila frowned.

"i know baby, im so sorry i got you into this mess." lauren kissed her girlfriend's shoulder.

"its not your fault. im the stupid one who decided she had to follow you. you were pretty heroic back there." camila smirked. "hows ally by the way?"

lauren tensed up. "ally? um shes good... she had her baby."

"she did?! and i missed it? fuck..." camila pouted. "girl or boy?"

"girl, and her name is lisa."

camila smiled. "aw, thats cute. i hope i get better soon, i really want to visit her."

lauren sat there for a while, while camila talked about god knows what. she was trying to find the right moment to break the news to camila. but she couldn't.
she decided she wasnt going to tell her that day. maybe tomorrow, or later in the week. just not now...

"what took you so long?"

lauren snapped back. "huh?"

"what took you so long to come see me?" camila asked her.

"i went for a walk." lauren nodded.

"you're not high? are you?"

"no!" lauren jumped up. "im not high!"

camila immediately apologized. "im sorry.. i just..-"

"just drop it." lauren said sternly.

camila stayed silent and nodded before looking down and playing with her own fingers.

"you should get some rest, im gonna go."

"lauren wait!-"

but lauren had already left.

a couple minutes later, camila's doctor came in.

"hey darling." she smiled. "how are you?"

"im a little hungry." camila told her truthfully.

"well you cant eat just eat. dinner will be served in a bit." the doctor told her. "i just came to tell you that visiting hours are over and i had to send your friends home."

"oh okay, thanks." camila smiled at her.

"that girl that just left your room whats her name?"

"lauren." camila was wondering why she was asking.

"her girlfriend is the one that just had a baby right?"

now camila was really confused. why did they think ally was lauren's girlfriend?

"um no no. ally's not her girlfriend. i am." camila said with a hint of anger in her voice.

her doctor had her eyebrow raised. "but i saw them earlier.... they were... kissing." the doctor then realized what was going on, then instantly shut up. "camila..."

"they were kissing?" she asked.

"im afraid so.."

"wow..." camila muttered. "wow."

lauren had looked her dead in they eyes and had never said a word. in fact, lauren didnt even look guilty!

camila was pissed. pissed at lauren, pissed at ally, pissed at life.

this was it. this was the final straw. camila was officially done with lauren and wanted nothing to do with her.

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