chapter thirty one

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camila placed her last bag in the car and looked over at lauren who had the bag full of food and money. they both had no idea where they were gonna go; they just needed to get away.

"all set?" lauren asked, placing her bags with camila's.

"yeah, i think so." camila nodded.

"then lets go." lauren gave her a smile before walking to the drivers side. "off to nowhere." she said once they were all buckled up, driving off down the street.


"what do you mean they're leaving?!" normani said in disbelief over the news she just heard.

dinah sighed, "camila texted told me that her and lauren were leaving for a while. they'll be back for graduation though."

normani closed her eyes and rubbed her temples. "where are they going?" she opened her eyes to look at dinah.

dinah just shrugged.

normani blew out air in frustration.

"they'll be alright mani, why are we worrying? let them get they freak on." dinah teased with a smirk.

normani shook her head. "they're crazy kids in love, they might get into trouble and lauren hasn't completely changed. she's still lauren."

dinah placed her hand on normani's shoulder. "c'mon mani, have some faith in lauren. and you're right. this is lauren we're talking about, you know she's never let camila get hurt."

normani sighed and nodded in agreement.


hours later, camila and lauren checked into a hotel. that had been driving for hours and were extremely tired.

"can we order room service?" camila asked, scanning the menu. she was awfully hungry.

"yeah, sure go ahead." lauren muttered. she was tired the most since she was the one driving.

"what do you want to-" camila looked over at lauren and saw that she was already asleep on the bed.

camila smiled to herself and picked up the phone ordering a pizza.

she pulled out her phone and saw several missed texts and calls- mostly from normani. but a call from her mom caught her eye as she called her back. she'll call mani later.

"camila?" her mom answered.

"hi mom." camila said slowly wondering if her mom was still angry about her leaving.

"i can do whatever i want mom, i'm 18!"

"i just wanted to make sure you're okay. where are you?" she could sense the worry in her tone

"we're fine," camila assured her. "we're at a hotel right now and lauren's sleeping and i just ordered some food."

"you know i love you right?"

camila nodded. "yes mom, i love you too."

"i just want to make sure you're say no matter what." sinu said. "you're becoming you're own woman and i feel like i'm being left behind."

"you still have sofi." she told her.

"i know but you were my first born. you're just growing up too fast. you're so mature and independent. you've already found love-"

camila smiled softly to herself, checking out her sleeping girlfriend.

sinu continued. "you'd do anything for this girl."

"i would." camila smiled. "i love lauren so much."

lauren rolled in her sleep, her eyes slowly opening. she noticed camila on the phone and decided to listen in the conversation.

"lauren is amazing," camila went on. "sure she can be a pain in the as- butt, but she's my pain."

lauren giggled softly catching the attention of camila.

"uh mom i gotta go, call you later. love you too. bye." camila hung up the phone and looked down at her phone, blushing. "you uh heard all that?"

"just the last part." lauren smiled, sitting up. "so i'm amazing huh?"

camila's cheeks started to heat up. "shut up and go back to sleep."

lauren pouted and opened up her arms, "come cuddle." she said in the best baby voice she could possibly do.

camil laughed and got up from the chair she was in, laying in her girlfriend's arms. lauren closed her eyes, suddenly feeling at peace. she had wrapped her arms around the small girl with her being the bigger spoon.

"i wish we could stay like this forever." camila blurted out in the silence that soon came afterwards.

"too bad life goes on."

camila flipped over so she was now face-to-face with lauren. "who says life has to?" lauren did not know what she meant- so camila went on. "this- right here- we're pressing pause on life, by just laying here... with you. we're here to escape life back home. what if we just never go back?"

"camila you know that's a stupid idea. for starters, our family and friends are there. we can't just not see them. and we have graduation remember." lauren lifted up camila's chin. "you and me are gonna graduate okay? together. we're gonna start a life together. then we can run away to neverland." she said making camila smile. "we can get away from all the bullshit after we conquered it."

camila smiled widely, nodding in agreement. "i love you, jauregui."

"i love you so much more camila." lauren cupped camila's cheeks in her hands and kissed her lips softly.




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