chapter twenty six

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after the food fight in the cafeteria a couple weeks ago, camila and lauren were back to usual. but- camila was spending a lot of time with her beach club, so lauren hung out with justin a lot more.

"hey!" lauren ran up to camila, who was with with one of the club members, maria, lauren assumed. justin came trailing behind her.

"hey, lauren." camila smiled. "maria, this is lauren. my girlfriend."

they both greeted each other and lauren turned her attention back to camila. "wanna do something tomorrow?" she asked.

camila frowned. "uh sorry, i'm going over to maria's so we can work on this fundraiser."

"this weekend?"

camila only shook her head. "i have work."

"the week after that?"

camila shook her head again.

lauren ran her fingers through her hair. "well are you free for christmas?" sarcasm dripping of her words.

that only made camila softly laugh. "i'll see you later okay?"

now lauren was the one to nod as she watched her girlfriend walk away.

"damn," justin said from behind. lauren completely forgot he was there.

"i didn't know she spent so much time with this club." lauren admitted frustrated. "ive barely seen her all these weeks."

"maybe you join a club." justin suggested, shrugging.

lauren scoffed at the idea. "yeah right."

lauren thought about after school activities. last year, she didn't have to worry about that. considering the fact that she would deal drugs from time to time and rob places- you know, the usual.

she started thinking about how much she had changed. all because of camila. she didn't mind though. she hated the thought of leaving camila, more than thought of camila leaving her.

wouldn't it be so nice to blow of steam and roll up some weed? i think theres still a bag of cocaine under the tv, no one found.

"shut up." lauren said to her inner voice.

"what?" justin furrowed his eyebrows.

lauren realized she spoke out loud and shook her head. "nothing." she coughed.

he awkwardly nodded muttering an okay.

lauren sighed. "i'm gonna go. see you after class." she told her, scurrying off down the halls. she got to her calculus class and sat at her desk. her teacher passed out last weeks test. he slid the paper upside down on her desk, he always did that- so it didn't matter if you passed or failed.

lauren slowly slid the white paper off her desk and flipped it over. a big fat F circled in the corner.

"a fucking 56?" lauren groaned. "you gotta be kidding me."

"what was that?" her teacher turned around, looking at her.

lauren slumped down in her seat, muttering. "nothing."

"that's what i thought." he said, continuing to pass out the rest of the papers.

lauren bit her lip to keep from saying some nasty remark. on second thought i could really use that blunt

HOLY SHIT THERE HAS BEEN SO MUCH SHIT ON TWITTER. taylor & nicki, meek & drake. damn



anyway follow me on twitter: @vibekordeii

love you guys!!! 💖

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