Two months into boot camp...
These two months have been the toughest of my life. We are wired like robots now. We wake up every day at 0500 (or in standard time 5:00) every morning. We have morning roll call and do some warm up exercises. After breakfast it was off to morning drills. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays we'd train on the beach. On Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays we'd be in the swampy forest. Sundays generally werent too difficult. Just basic training. We'd do rigorous training to condition ourselves and ready ourselves for any situation in battle. By the time two months was up, I was getting used to using my weapons in any situation. I'd push myself to my limit to make myself the best soldier that I could be. I was determined to make my father proud. I would stop st nothing to become the best i could be. At the same time I was counting down the days until i returned home. I only had two month to go until that hell was finally over...
Future Memories
ActionOk so this is my first shot at writing a story on here. Its an action adventure about a man named Xavier who as a boy loved the thought of being in the military, but as he grows and he serves in the military, he begins to see the evil in it. Then...