Chapter 33

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What is he talking about? Did he dream about me since his childhood? It means we still have abounded from our souls!? This can't happen she's dreaming of me... it means... maybe Nyx knows that this is Alex. I can't let them take his life again. Anyway, this man was the one I used to love and the only man I love.

"What are you talking about? As you... I also don't know who the hell you are too. Holy Hera... just someone explains this to me. What's goin..." I was able to tell only that the building shivered. We heard the people who were in the audience shouting and running everywhere.

If my sense was correct, it's some followers of Gaia. "That bitch!" I cursed under my breath. "Take everyone out of here. Try to save everyone." I hope they use weapons made of celestial bronze as they can't hurt normal people with them.

"What's going on?" another member of BTS dared to talk at this moment. Everyone was speechless at the moment. But how am I supposed to explain this to them? They just only see through the mist. "I think someone is attacking us here" Shennie helped me at this moment. She was coming through the door with Song Joon Ki.

Shennie looked so frustrated but Joon Ki was just calm. "We have to escape from here. Vany... you should be careful. If I'm correct... they are coming for you." Shennie locked the door. "Then I'll go get them. You guys escape from here. Go to a safe place and call for help!" I was about to open the door but the door blew away.

I was pushed back when it blew but Jungkook caught me before I fell. There were a group of dracaenas and among them, there was a manticore! Oh god... I hate them as they are some good shooters like my mom and I love those lions... it was hard for me to kill Chimera with her cute lion face and now another lion face.

All the BTS members whispered. I don't know what they were seeing as they just see the mist... maybe. "Who the hell those creatures?" It means that he can see through the mist. NO everyone in this room can see through the mist as they agreed with the member who asked that. Are you kidding me bitch? Did you make humans can see through the mist? Is this a trick to scare these innocent humans, Nyx? Well, I was guessing that it's Nyx as it's the nighttime now.

I gulped. My weapons are in my bag which I've left where I was sitting. It means now all of us are unarmed and in danger. It's my fault... these are all my faults. I'm the one who wanted to come here. I knew there will be an attack but I ignored it. I was selfish. I can't let these innocent people die. If this is my fault, I'm the one who has to end this too.

"Everyone gather!" I shouted before they gathered together. I was staring into the manticore's eyes and ran to the others. I knew manticore understood what I was gonna do but I was quicker than him. I shadow traveled to the camp of half-blood. I only remembered here and Olympus at this moment so I emerged here as normal humans can't go to Olympus.

We re-emerged in the mess hall and all the campers were enjoying the fire next to the mess hall. They looked at us and many girls started to shout and make a mess due to seeing their beloved BTS and Song Joon Ki. Everyone was surprised. All the campers ran into the mess hall.

All these times Jungkook and Joon Ki hadn't any expression like fear for seeing those monsters maybe he didn't see them. "Wh... who the hell those creatures?" one of the BTS members asked in fear. "Taehyung Oppa!!!" a camper of Aphrodite cabin shouted out of blue.

I looked at Chiron and nodded my head. "I need togo back again. A manticore and some dracaenas attacked us. There are stillpeople there. I need some weapons!" I said in calm. I turned to the campersgiving my back to the others, Ima, Shennie, Kaity, BTS, and Joon Ki. Shenniesuddenly shouted out of blue. 

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