Niall Horan Imagine for Annika

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You said you wanted sad and romantic, so I tried to do sad but as you will soon be able to tell, I suck at sad:P And by the way, the flashbacks are just like memories, every paragraph is a different one:)

Niall's POV

The beeping of the heart monitor was the only sound in the room. My beautiful princess lay on the hospital bed, her chest slowing moving up and down, the only sign she was alive. She had been in a coma for about two weeks, the roughest two weeks of my life. And it was my fault.

We had been coming home from a date, laughing over inside jokes and talking about random things. We were stopped at a red light, singing loudly to the radio. Suddenly, she leaned over and kissed me, a smile playing at her soft lips. And then someone rammed into the side of the car, making everything go black.

I woke up a few days later, in the hospital with only a few bruises. And then they told me Annika had gone into a coma. Ever since then, I had been in her room, sleeping on the couch that was in there and waiting for her to come back. I would talk to her, apparently she could hear me, according to the doctor. I just wanted her back.


"Baby, you light up my world like nobody else. The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed." Annika sang, dancing around the flat.

"Niall, look, it's a Kombi!" she shouted, grinning as she pointed out at something, her beautiful dimples showing.  

"Tell me you love me." she whispered after we had our first and only big fight. "I love you. So much. I'm so sorry, princess."

"You know, we should get married. I already know I'll spend the rest of my life with you." she announced, turning to look at me. "One day, love, one day."

"I'm Annika. Nice to meet you." she said after I'd spilled her coffee all over her shirt. "I'm Niall."

"Will you move in with me?" I asked, holding her tight against my chest. "Of course. I've been waiting for you to ask."

Flashbacks over

I sighed as I walked over to her bed, dragging my chair with me.

"Good morning, princess." I reached over to take her hand, lifting it up to my lips to press a soft kiss to her fingers. "It's officially been two weeks since, and I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. If I had been paying attention to the road, I could've moved the car out of the way. I could've stopped it but I didn't and I'm so sorry. It's my fault you're like this. The doctors don't know if you'll wake up and if you do, they say it probably won't be for a while. I just want you back, Annie. I want to see your beautiful smile, hear you laugh at one of my horrible jokes. I want to hold you in my arms and feel your heart beating against my chest. I want you to force me to make you a banana milkshake every night. I just want you. That's all I want. I don't want fame or money or fans or any of that. I would give all of it up if it meant I could get you back."

Annika's POV

I could hear Niall's little sniffles and soft sobs as I felt lips press to my own. I gathered everything I had inside to kiss him back.

"Annie?" he muttered, his lips leaving mine. "Did you just...princess, if you can hear me, can you move one of your fingers? Please?"

I took a deep breath and then gathered my strength again to lift my pinky finger.

"I have to go get the doctor. You're waking up!" I could hear his chair scraping back, a signal he was about to leave me. I whimpered at the thought of him leaving me forever. "What's wrong?" he asked, his warm hand taking mine again. "I'll be back. I'm just going to the door, I promise." I felt his soft lips press to my forehead before he walked away.

Soon, doctors and nurses came in and everyone started talking over each other, their voices echoing and fading off. I opened my eyes a bit to look right into a bright light. I turned my head away after crying out.

"Stop, you're hurting her!" I heard Niall say.

"Sweetheart, do you want to open your eyes again?" the doctor asked as everyone calmed down. "We promise there's no light."

I hesitantly peeked out to meet wide blue eyes. Niall breathed a sigh of relief and reached out to take my hand, his long fingers squeezing mine.

"This is amazing. I don't remember the last time a patient has recovered so quickly." the doctor said, smiling at Niall.

"Quickly? She was in a coma for two weeks. That's not quickly to me." Niall muttered, shaking his head.

"Yes but just this morning, she wasn't showing any sign of waking up. Whatever you did, you did it right. Now, sweetie, I want you to try to lift your hand for me."

It was easier this time to lift my hand, maybe because Niall was there by my side to help me through it. Over the next few days, I was able to move more limbs and eventually, I was able to walk without any help.

Finally, the day I could leave came. I wanted to run out of the hospital but they made me go out in a wheelchair.

"Niall, walk faster!" I whined.

"We're almost to the door and then you can walk."

Once we got to the door, I jumped out of the chair and started running.

"Other way!" Niall called, calmly walking away towards the parking garage. I jumped onto his back, making him carry me to the car.

"Niall, Kombi!" I shouted, pointing to my favorite car.

"One day, I'll have to buy you one." He laughed, setting you down so you could get into the car.

"Will you? I would love you forever."

"I thought you already loved me forever."

"I do. But one way, I would have a Kombi and the other I wouldn't."

He smiled and leaned down to kiss me, pulling me into his arms. "If you want me to buy you one, I will."

"I'll love you forever, with or without the Kombi."


"Happy birthday, princess!" Niall yelled, waking me up from my nice dream.

"Ni, I love you, but I'm tired." I grumbled, pulling the covers up above my head.

"Annie, wake up, you have to come see your present!"

I immediately jumped out of bed and brushed my teeth before running back out to meet Niall. "Where is it? Can I have it? Where?"

He laughed and then held up a blindfold. "You have to put this on first."

I sighed but let him put the blindfold on me. His big hands grabbed my waist to guide me down the stairs and apparently out the front door since I walked into it.

"My head hurts." I whined, now holding my hands out in front of me.

"Sorry, I didn't realize you were going to walk into the door. Ok, stop here. Ready?"

"Yes, can I look now?"

"3, 2, 1." He lifted the blindfold off, stepping away.

I screamed at the sight in front of me. There was a big beautiful Kombi sitting in my driveway.

"Now, you get to love me forever with a Kombi."

"Niall! This is amazing! You didn't have to but I love you!" I jumped into his arms, pressing my lips to his.

"Whatever my princess wants, my princess gets."

Author's Note:

So, that wasnt my best but...I hoped you like it anyway, Annika!! I'm sorry if it took long!

If anyone has any requests, leave them down below or message me.

I'll see you boogles in my next chapter. BYEE!!

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