Zayn Malik Imagine For Jojo<33

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"Boo!" I heard my boyfriend, Zayn call as I walked into our house.

"Hi Zaynie." I mumbled, taking off my shoes. I felt his large hands sliding my coat off and then taking my scarf off for me. He always did this, it was our little tradition. If he was home before I got there, he would help me out of my coat and scarf and then we would have our little hello kiss. I turned and lifted my chin up, waiting. I could feel the smile on his lips as he kissed me. We both loved our tradition. It was a small act but it meant the world to both of us.

"Rough day?" he asked as he pulled away, one of his eyebrows arched.

"Do you really know me that well?"

"Yes. Why don't you go get changed and then we can talk about it?"

I got on my toes to give him another kiss. "I'll be right back." I ran upstairs to get out of my tight jeans and shirt, switching them for one of Zayn's T-shirts and his sweatpants. "Zayn?" I called into the empty kitchen. We always met up in the kitchen but he wasn't there.

"Up here, babe!"

I tilted my head in confusion before running back upstairs. I found him in our bathroom, lighting a candle. Behind him was a bathtub full of warm, inviting water. There were a few rose petals scattered around it and even a few in the water. There were candles all around the room, filling the air with a soft vanilla scent.

"How did you do this within the two minutes it took me to get ready?" I asked, turning to him with a smile.

"I didn't. You sounded upset on the phone so...I figured you would like to come home to a warm bath."

"How did I get so lucky?" I walked over, getting on my toes as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Well, you walked into the room and then you looked over at me with your big beautiful eyes and I knew right then and there that I had to win your heart, no matter what."

My heart melted at his sweet words and I couldn't help but give him a kiss. "I love you so much, Zayn."

"I love you more, Jojo."

"Nope, I love you more."

"Are we seriously about to play this game?" he asked, giving me a look.

"Only if you think that you love me more than I love you."

"No one could ever love anyone more than I love you." He leaned to kiss the tip of my nose, his small signal that he wanted the conversation to end.

"Can we just agree we both love each other very much?"

"Yes. Now, enjoy your bath while I go make dinner." He gave me another quick kiss then left to go downstairs. I pulled off my clothes and sank down into the bath, sighing with relief. I closed my eyes and sat there, thinking about how glad I was that I had found Zayn.

Zayn and I had met a few years ago, at his sister's birthday party. I had met his sister a few weeks earlier and she had invited me. I had gone to the party and almost immediately, Zayn had walked over and started talking to me. He had been shy and a little nervous but he still managed to flirt with me enough to get my number. 

After a few days of texting, flirting and revealing secrets to each other, he finally asked me out. And naturally, I had to say yes. We went on a few dates before he kissed me. I think it was our third. The first kiss was one I would never forget.


"It seems like every date just get better and better." I complimented as we walked up to my doorstep.

"They do."

"And I never want them to end."

"I don't either. I love our dates." He smiled before leaning in to kiss my cheek. "I'll text you later, babe. Goodnight."

"Goodnight." I smiled, sad that he hadn't kissed me yet but I understood why. He was trying to be a gentleman and I liked that.

"Jordan, wait."

I turned back, about to ask him what was wrong when I saw how close he was. I looked up into his beautiful brown eyes, my heart starting to beat even faster.

"Can I kiss you?" he whispered, his eyes locked down on my lips. I nodded, a little too quickly. He chuckled and then leaned down to brush his lips against mine.

Flashback over

I slowly got out of the tub once Zayn's beautiful voice called my name to let me know dinner was ready. I slipped another pair of Zayn's sweats on, choosing one of his button up shirts this time. I went downstairs to find the table all set with more candles and a perfect rose resting on my plate. I smiled as I picked the perfectly bloomed flower up and inhaled its sweet scent.

I felt warm, strong arms wrap around me from behind and then lips brush against my cheek. "You wanna tell me about your day now?"

"Yes. But first, this." I leaned up to kiss him, tangling my fingers in his thick hair. "I love you so much, Zayn. No one's ever done all of this just for me. I don't know what I've done to deserve it."

"You deserve this and more. I'll give you the stars and the moon if you want me too. I'd do anything for you."

Author's Note:

You said you were having a rough day and you needing Zayn feels so I decided to put those two together. I hope you liked it, girl! Sorry about your rough day!! I hope my virtual cupcake and this and the fact that I'm here if you ever need to talk cheered you up:)

If anyone has any requests, leave them down below or message me!

I'll see you boogles in my next chapter. BYEE!!

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