Zayn Malik Imagine for Laurie

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"So, what does it feel to be Mrs. Zayn Malik?" my friend asked as I unpacked my suitcases. Zayn and I had just gotten back from our honeymoon. He was already at the studio, working on their next album and I was unpacking.

"Amazing. The other day, we were in our hotel and someone called me Mrs.Malik." I squealed, smiling down at the ring on my finger.

"Lucky. I know a lot of girls who would kill to be in your position."

"And I know a lot of girls who would kill to be in your position." I parroted, smiling. She was dating Niall, almost two years now.

"I can't wait for our wedding day. You're gonna be my maid of honor by the way. And by the time the actual wedding is here, you and Zayn will probably already have kids. I'm hoping for a little girl so she can be my flower girl."

"Calm down. One, Niall hasn't even proposed yet. And two, Zayn and I just got married. We're not planning on kids right away." I laughed, rolling my eyes.

"Yes you are. You will have three little kids. Two girls, one boy."

"Oh? Nice to know."

"Isn't it? So, be honest...have you used the "I'm married to Zayn Malik" excuse yet?"

"What? No! I haven't had time to." I teased, shrugging.

"If I were you, I'd use it everywhere I go. 'Oh, you don't have any tables available? Well, I'm Zayn Malik's wife. Yes, Zayn from One Direction, the biggest boy band of this century.'"

"Very funny. I could honestly care less about the whole One Direction thing. It doesn't matter."

"And that's why I love you." a new voice murmured as strong arms wrapped around my waist.

"Zayn! What are you doing home?" I asked, turning in his arms to give him a quick kiss.

"Well, the boys decided that I deserved a break to come see my beautiful wife."

"Aw!" my friend cooed, smiling. I gave her a look and she nodded, leaving the room.

"So, Mrs. Malik, may I interest you in joining me for a lovely lunch at that new restaurant?"

"Sure, but I need a few minutes to get ready."

"Why? You look great right now."

I looked down at my sweats and then back up at him. "You're kidding, right?"

"Well I think you look beautiful, as always." He smiled down at me before leaning into give me a kiss.

"Thank you. Now, I need to shower." I turned and walked into the bathroom. I took a quick shower, humming along to one of One Direction's songs. I went back out into the bedroom and over to my suitcase. I pulled out a pretty black dress and slipped it on, calling Zayn in to help with the zipper.

He pulled me into his arms, kissing my forehead. "So, are you ready to go now?"

I nodded and took his hand, leading him out of the room. As we walked out into the car, I thought back to all the memories we had in this house.


"Zayn!" I called, struggling to lift up the heavy box. He chuckled and walked over to help.

"How about I get the boxes inside and you get the light stuff?" he offered, easily taking it from me. I nodded, going into the new home.

Once we got all of the boxes into the living room, we started going through them. He smiled as he picked a picture frame up. I crawled over to see what the picture was. It was of our first date together. We had gone to the carnival, where he had won me a big fluffy teddy bear that I still owned. In the picture, we were both smiling but he was looking at me instead of the camera.

I smiled as I wrapped my arms around him, sitting in his lap. This box was nothing but pictures. It was easy to tell how far into our relationship we were in each picture. Even though we had always been comfortable around each other, the longer we spent together, the more we opened up. There was one photo of us where he was smiling at the camera and I was making a funny face.

"That was a month in, I think. And I remember right after we took this picture, I said I love you." he whispered into my ear as we both smiled down at the photo.

I picked up the next picture, one of us kissing. "And that was the day you got your first tattoo." We moved onto the next one, this one was of my hand, showing off my tattoo.

"And that was the day you got your first tattoo." His thumb stroked over the tattoo I'd gotten, smiling down at it. It was his name on my wrist, written in a beautiful font.

"They were the same day." I pointed out, turning his hand over so I could look at his tattoo. He had gotten my name on his wrist in the same font.

"And what a great day it was."

Flashback over

"Oh my God! You're Zayn Malik!" a girl squealed after our lunch was over. I stepped back so they could do the normal routine of autographs and pictures. "And you're Laurie! Can I have your autograph too?" the girl asked, holding the notebook towards me. Some fans asked for my autograph sometimes but it was always a pleasant surprise when they did. "And can I say that I think you two are the best couple ever? You're like made for each other!"

"Thank you." Zayn smiled at her, taking my hand again.

"And your tattoos are so cute. You actually inspired my boyfriend and I to get tattoos like that." She held up her wrist to expose a tattoo of what I assumed was her boyfriend's name in a similiar font.

"Aw, how long have you two been together?" I asked, smiling as I glanced down at my wrist.

"Almost three years now. Do you mind if I ask you a quick question? I totally understand if you want to go but I'm just a little bit curious about it."

"Sure. What is it?"

"How do you do it? How do you deal with thousands of girls throwing themselves at Zayn everyday? I get jealous when another girl just looks at Todd. How do you stay calm?"

"Honestly, it doesn't really bother me unless they touch him. Then I get jealous and then trust me, I am the opposite of calm. But then Zayn reminds that he has my name tattooed on his wrist, not theirs." I nearly bragged.

"You seem like a really nice person, Laurie. I'm glad you and Zayn are together. And just to let you know, I totally ship Zaurie. Zaurie for life!"

One Year Later...

"Hello everyone and welcome to DailyGossip. I'm your host, Alicia Bay. Today we'll be talking about Zayn Malik. For those of you who don't know, Zayn and his wife, Laurie, recently had their first child. They haven't revealed much but Zayn tweeted a picture of Laurie and their new baby with the caption, "my two girls." Zaurie fans everywhere are absolutely going crazy over this picture. We all want to know more about the little girl but we understand why Zayn would want to keep her away from the spotlight. However, in a recent interview, he said that the baby was doing fine and that he loved being a new daddy. Well, congratulations to Zayn and Laurie for your little bundle of joy. If we ever get more news, we'll let you know. I'm Alica Bay and this was the DailyGossip."

Author's Note:

There you go, Laurie! I hope you liked it!

I will see you boogles in my next chapter. BYEE!!


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