Smile for the Camera

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I sighed as I inhaled the sweet scent of the bakery nearby. England was so peaceful today, no cars, no loud music, no screaming babies. Just perfect silence.

I was in the park, taking pictures for a project at school.

I wasn't a stalker or a creeper or a pedobear, I just liked the shots of the kids smiling. They were so energetic and happy.

I finally walked away from the swings and spotted him. His dark brown hair was messy but it was definitely styled to be that way. His light brown eyes were locked on the sketchpad in his lap.

I couldn't help but take a picture of him. And then another. And then another. And about fifty shots later, I was on a bench, going through my photos.

"Did you at least get my good side?" a husky voice teased. I looked up to meet light brown eyes.

"Uh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to appear like a stalker or anything. I just, there's this project at school and you were so nicely shadowed and I'm really sorry. I'll delete them." I rushed, ducking my head to hide my blush.

"Hey, now wait a second. At least let me see them." Before I could answer, he took the camera and started going through the pictures. "You're very talented."

"Thank you. Does this mean you're not mad?" I asked quietly, hesitantly.

"No. I'll forgive you but only if let me pose for a few photos."

"Deal." I grinned and stood up, leading him to the shade of a tree.

We spent the next few hours taking pictures and somehow we ended up switching roles for a bit. He said I was a great model.

"So what's your name?" he asked as we finally took a break to get some frozen yogurt.

"I'm Emma." I held out my hand, the one that wasn't holding my camera.

"I'm Devin."

"Well, Devin, I had a very fun time with you today. Thanks for all of that."

"No problem. Wait, before you leave, can I have your number?" He held out his phone hopefully, smiling his beautiful smile.

I nodded and handed him my own phone. We quickly exchanged numbers and then just when I was about to leave, he stopped me again.

This time he pulled me into his arms and took the camera. He snapped a picture of us and then handed it back to me.

"Our first photo together. Hopefully the first of many."

Three Years Later

"Dev, come in here!" I called, watching as my little girl started to get up. Devin walked into the room and immediately dropped down a few feet away from little Spencer.

"Come here, Spence." He held out his arms, smiling at her and once again taking my breath away.

We'd been married for a year and four months and Spence was just a little over ten months.

"Go to daddy, Spency." I encouraged, kissing her cheek lightly. She giggled from the attention and slowly took that first step.

She made it all the way to Devin before collapsing into his arms.

I crawled my way over and sat in his lap, placing Spence in my own.

He kissed both of our foreheads before smiling down at Spence.

And to think, all this started because I took a couple pictures of him.

Our first photo still hung on the wall in our bedroom but now it was also surrounded by countless others.

He'd been right. That photo was the first of many.

Author's Note:

So there you have it. My first one shot. Cheesy, check. Short, check. Adorable, at least to me, triple check.

I will see you boogles in my next chapter. BYEE!!


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