Harry Styles Imagine for Anne

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I had to rewrite this so it may not be as good as it could've been...sorry!!

Harry's POV

"Come on, Harry! You have to come out with us!" Louis begged, giving me the puppy dog eyes.

"No. I don't feel like it, ok?"

"Fine! Stay here and mope. You know, whining won't bring her back, Harry." He got up and stormed out, slamming the door. I jumped at the noise as I looked down at my phone. The wallpaper was still her. Anne. Sweet, stubborn Anne. The girl who would always have my heart. It's been four years since she left me. Four years since I last saw that beautiful face. Four years since I felt her small hand in mine. Four years without her.

The media had gotten to us. She had gotten tired of all the rumors and the gossip and she couldn't take it. So...she left.

I missed her so much. Louis was right. Sitting here wouldn't do anything. I needed to see her.


"Crystal, are you sure she's here? I don't see her." I whined into the phone, looking around again. I was at the park where Crystal, Anne's best friend, had said my girl would be. It was raining and I was absolutely soaked. "Oh my God. I found her." I quickly hung up and tucked my phone back into my pocket, watching as Anne walked out of a Starbucks.

She looked beautiful, as always. Her hair had gotten longer, a lighter shade than the last time I saw her. She took my breath away once again. I hadn't realized how much I missed her until now. I knew I was still in love with her.

Suddenly her eyes looked up and into mine. She froze, nearly dropping her drink.


Anne's POV

"H-Harry?" I looked up to see the green eyes I'd missed so much. I hadn't been willing to admit it to anyone but I still loved Harry. I still had one of his shirts and I still wore the promise ring he gave me.


"Harry, where are you taking me?" I laughed as he pulled me along the pathway. He looked back and winked at me before leading me into a garden filled with flowers and with a cute little picnic set up.

He spread his arms wide and grinned at me, dimpling like crazy. "Happy Valentine's Day, love!"

"Hazza, this is amazing. You shouldn't have."

"Yes I did. Only the best for my girl." He leaned in to delicately kiss my cheek, as if I were made of glass. He always treated me like I was fragile. He said it was because I was his princess and deserved to be treated that way. And I wasn't complaining.

We sat down on the blanket, our fingers tangled together. He pulled out chocolate covered strawberries, which we cheesily fed to each other.

"Harry, you've got a little chocolate right there." I pointed to my own lip, rolling my eyes as he wiped away on the opposite corner. I moved in closer to kiss him, tangling my fingers in his thick hair.

"Did you get it?" he mumbled as I slightly pulled away.

"I got it."

"I love you so much, Anne. You're my everything, you know that?" He looked straight into my eyes with his beautiful gaze as he pressed a kiss to the tip of my nose.

"I love you too, Harry."

"I have something for you." He sat up, looking slightly guilty.

"Harry, I said no gifts."

"I know but it's our first Valentine's Day together! And you'll like it, hopefully."

I sighed and rolled my eyes, nodding. He grinned like a little kid and then pulled a small box out of the picnic basket. "Earrings?" I guessed, sitting up.

"Just open it."

I lifted the lid to reveal a beautiful ring with the letter H engraved in diamonds on it. "Oh my God."

"It's a promise ring. Would you like to hear the promise?"

I didn't give a response but I guess he assumed it was a yes.

"I promise to always hold you when you get scared during the night. I promise to be the shoulder you can cry on. I promise to let you play with my hair as much as you want without complaining. I promise to bake cookies with you whenever you're frustrated and to listen all of your problems and try to help you find solutions. I promise to be the best boyfriend I can be and then one day, the best husband. I promise to love you with everything I have, every single day for the rest of my life. Will you accept my promise?"

Flashback over

"Anne." he muttered, stepping closer with wide eyes.

"Please don't." I mumbled as he leaned in. He shushed me and then pressed his lips to mine. We stood there, in the pouring rain, kissing and probably catching colds but it didn't matter.

"You're still wearing the ring." he whispered, pulling away for air.

"I couldn't just throw it away. It is diamond after all." I teased, smiling. He chuckled and leaned back down.

"Let me replace it."

"Why would I do that? I already love it."

"Let me replace it with something better." He pulled my hand off his neck and then got down on one knee. "Anne, I never stopped loving you. It took me four years to realize just how much I needed you and I regret every moment I spent without you. But I hope you still love me enough to say yes. So, will you marry me?" He pulled out another box, lifting the lid to reveal an even more beautiful ring.

"What about the media? I can't go back to that. I just can't."

"We have better control over the media now. And we've learned how to keep our relationships private."



"Yes, I'll marry you."

He grinned and stood back up, slipping the ring onto my finger, resting it right above my promise ring. He gently cradled my face in his large hands, pulling me closer to kiss me again. "I love you, Anne. Always have and always will."

Author's Note:

There you go, Anne! I'll be working on your other one tomorrow! I hope you liked it!!

If anyone has any requests, leave them down below or message me:)

I'll see you boogles in my next chapter. BYEE!

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