Taylor Lautner Imagine for Anne

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"Taylor, Taylor, over here!" the paparazzi yelled as Taylor Lautner and I walked down the red carpet, pausing every few steps for pictures. We were at the premiere for the last movie, Breaking Dawn part 2.

"You look stunning." he whispered in my ear, kissing my cheek. I smiled at a camera, used to all the attention. I had been dating Taylor for three years, the happiest three years on my life. We met when his costar, Nikki Reed, introduced us at a party.


"Anne!" Nikki yelled, holding her arms out for a hug.

I was one of the makeup artist's daughters and Nikki and I had clicked the second we met. She was throwing a party to celebrate the release of New Moon and she had invited me, even though I technically had nothing to do with the crew or cast.

"Hi. My mom made me bring cookies." I rolled my eyes and shrugged, walking over to place them on a table.

"So, Anne, I need to introduce you to someone." Nikki said, taking my hand and leading me away from the table.


"My costar, Taylor. He's really cute and you'll love him, I promise. He plays Jacob, the werewolf?"

"Is this like a blind date or something?" I asked,

"Shh. Taylor! Come here!" She waved at someone, grinning like a little kid. "Taylor, I want you to meet someone. Taylor, this is Anne. Anne, this is Taylor."

"Hi." I waved at him, smiling politely.

"Ok, so Taylor here is single. And Anne, you're also single. Let's take care of that, ok? So, I'll leave you to it." Nikki rubbed her hands together and then ran off.

"So, you're the famous Anne? Nikki talks about you all the time."

"And all of my friends talk about you. Well, not you. Your abs."

He laughed and held up one of my cookies. "As you can see, I'm completely devoted to my diet."

"You should see what I've eaten today."

"You're gorgeous." he muttered to himself, his eyes looking up and down my body, checking me out very obviously.

"Well, thank you. You're not too bad yourself."

His eyes widened as he realized he'd spoken too loudly. "Uh..."

"It's fine. I am a normal person, I like compliments."

"Well, you probably get them all the time. You're beautiful." He grinned, winking at me. 

"Are you flirting with me, Mr. Lautner?" I teased, stepping closer.

"It depends. Are you flirting with me?"

"Maybe." I played with his shirt, looking down as my fingers tugged at the material.

"Well, since we're both flirting with each other, I might as well ask for your number."

I smiled and handed him my phone. "You first."

We exchanged numbers quickly then returned to flirting. We talked for the entire night, laughing loudly and telling cheesy jokes and exchanging secrets and getting to know each other. By the end of the night, I was in love.

He walked me to my car, his warm fingers tangled with mine. "I had a great time with you tonight. Will you go to lunch with me tomorrow?"

"I'd love to."

Flashback over

"Oh my God, you two are adorable together!" Nikki squealed as we walked over, holding hands. We were still on the red carpet, cameras going crazy as I hugged Nikki. I pulled her away Paul and Taylor for a few pictures. We ended up laughing in most of them, unable to help it with how silly we were being. We stuck our tongues out and did the peace sign and blew kisses, even going duck lips for a bit.

Nikki and I had our own ship name among the fans. We were Annikki. The fans loved us together, almost more than they loved Taylor and I or Nikki and Paul.

Taylor and Paul were both cracking up over by Ashley and Kellan, who were also laughing. We walked back over, strutting like runway models.

"Come, Taylor. We have a movie we need to see." I said dramatically, my chin up as I linked my arms with his to pull him down the rest of the carpet. Nikki did the same with Paul.

"Baby, I love you so much." Taylor snickered as we went inside the theater.

"I love you too. Now where are we sitting?"


"All I want to do is love your body." I sang loudly, dancing around our apartment. Taylor was watching in amusement as I made a total fool of myself to Christina Aguilera.

"Having fun, sweetie?" he asked, chuckling.

"Um, yeah. I'm having a lot of fun actually." I dropped down next to him, putting my feet in his lap.

"Ready to watch the movie now?"

"Why are we watching this again? I mean, I'm really proud of you and everything but this is our tenth time watching it this month." He wanted us to watch the last Breaking Dawn again.

"I'm...trying to observe my acting to see if I made any mistakes so I can correct them."

I rolled my eyes and cuddled into his chest, sighing happily when his strong, warm arms wrapped around me, making me feel sheltered and loved and protected.

We were about halfway into the movie when the screen went black. Then the words, "Will you marry me?" came up onto the dark screen. I turned to Taylor in shock to find him fiddling with something in his hands.

He looked up innocently before moving down to the floor to get on one knee. "Anne, I met you three years ago at a party. You were funny, smart, beautiful, everything a man could ever want. I would be insane if I let you go. And I want to make sure you'll be mine forever. So will you marry me?"


"And they lived happily ever after." I cooed to my daughter, kissing her tiny forehead.

"Again!" she demanded, looking around Taylor. She was stalling because she wanted him to be the one to tuck her in. 

"Baby, I told you, daddy's not coming home tonight. He's filming."

"I want daddy!"

"I know, I do too but he'll be here in the morning, I promise." I smoothed her dark hair down, smiling my everything-will-be-fine smile at her.

"B-but...I want him now!" She burst into tears, breaking my heart with every tear. She started sobbing, curling up into me as she hid her face in my stomach.

"Shh. Daddy will be home tomorrow. This is just his job. Everything's ok, you're ok. Don't cry, baby."

"I'm not sleeping until daddy gets home."

"No. You are going to sleep. That's too late for little girls to be staying up."

"Daddy!" she cried, her eyes lighting up.

I turned to see Taylor walk through the doorway, smiling.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were working late."

"I couldn't just leave my two girls all alone. The director said the shots we got were good enough and let me go so I could see my little princess. Come here, sweetie." He picked our daughter up, making her tears stop immediately. He rubbed her back, whispering something into her ear.

I stood up, wrapping my arms around him and resting my head on his free shoulder. He wrapped his free arm around me and kissed the top of my head.

"Mommy, daddy?"

"Yes, baby?" I muttered, looking over at her with a small smile.

"Can we stay like this forever?"

"I sure hope so."

Taylor nodded, smiling at the both of us. "We will."

Author's Note:

There you go, Anne!! I hope you liked it!!

If anyone has any requests, leave them down below or message me!

I'll see you boogles in my next chapter. BYEE!!

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