Harry Styles Imagine for Taylor

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"Hey Taylor, where you going?" my mom asked as I tried to sneak out.

"Just over to Amanda's." I lied, smiling innocently at her.

"Be home soon!"

I nodded and then left, anxious to leave before she realized Amanda had left town for the weekend.

I got into my car and pulled my hood up, slipping on a pair of sunglasses. I was on my way to meet my secret boyfriend, Harry Styles. We kept our relationship secret because we were afraid people wouldn't approve of our age gap. I was three years younger than Harry. And I was also afraid of getting hate from his fans.

We'd been dating for about eight months, the best eight months of my life. He really did make everything better. Whenever I felt down, I could call him and he would cheer me up. If I ever had trouble sleeping, I would call him and he'd sing to me. He was honestly the best boyfriend ever.

I drove to a nearby hotel, going up to the room I knew he was waiting in. The second I shut the door, I felt his strong arms wrap around me tightly.

"You've kept me waiting." he whispered into my ear, kissing the spot just behind it.


"You should be. I've been here for an hour. But I need to talk to you." He pulled me over to the bed, taking my smaller hands in his as we sat down.


"I want to go public. I'm tired of sneaking around. I'm tired of being forced to watch other guys flirt with you and not being able to tell him you're mine. I'm tired of having to watch every single thing. I just want to be with you."

"Harry, we can't. The fans-"

"Will get over it. And if gets too bad then I'll tell them to stop."

"I can't risk it. I'm sorry Harry but I can't."

"Why not? What are you so afraid of? Do you really care that much about what other people say?" he nearly yelled, letting go of my hands.

"I already get hate for just being seen with you. What do you think will happen when they find out we're dating?"

"I'll be right next to you. And it doesn't matter what they say. I love you and I just want to be able to hold your hand in public."

"I'm sorry but the answer is no."

"No? You won't even think about it?"

"I have thought about it. And it always ends the same, with me in tears and you in another girl's arms."

"You think I'll leave you?" he asked, confusion crossing his handsome face.

"I know you will. The hate will get to you and then you'll stop loving me and fall for another girl."

"Is that what you really think about me? That I would just leave you because I got hate? I get hate every single day. I'm used to it. I will never stop loving you."

"You say that now."

"Have these last eight months proved nothing to you? I've stuck by you through worse than some people throwing around a few mean words." He moved closer, reaching up to cradle my face in between his large hands.

"Can we please stop talking about this? I don't want to go public. Why can't you just accept that?" I snapped, pulling away from him.

"Because you won't even talk about it! You always come up with the same thing, the fans will give you hate. If you loved me, you wouldn't care!"

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