Liam Payne Imagine for Amber

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"Liam! Hurry up, it's starting!" I yelled, turning the volume up. We were just about to watch the new season of X Factor together. It was our tradition to watch it every single week.

"Ok, I'm coming." He ran in with a big bowl of popcorn and a tub of ice cream. I smiled and moved over to make room for him. He sat down next to me and handed me the ice cream, setting the popcorn down on the table.

"You know, most couples would go out to the club or out to dinner." I pointed out, smiling at him. 

"We're not most couples though."

"True. I mean, most couples don't wear matching pajamas and watch X Factor together." 

"Well I feel bad for them. These moments with you are the highlights of my week." He smiled before leaning down to kiss me. "I love you, Amber."

"I love you, Li."


I was simply walking through the park, my hair in a side braid with a beanie covering the top of it, reading a book when I bumped into the man I would fall in love with.

I landed with a gasp, dropping my book and my bag.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! I should've been looking where I was going. Here, let me help you." a deep voice said as someone in a hoodie and dark sunglasses leaned down to help me put my things back into my bag.

"It's fine. I wasn't paying attention." I muttered, avoiding his gaze as I stood back up. He handed me my bag, offering me a smile.

"I'm Liam. What's your name, beautiful?"

"I'm Amber. Nice to meet you." I held my hand out, smiling politely. He reached out and brought my hand up to his lips, placing a soft kiss against it.

"Well, Amber, why don't I buy you a cup of coffee to make up for knocking into you?"

"Um, I don't know." Something in my head just clicked, I don't know if it was the sad look in his beautiful eyes or the fact that I was feeling rebellious that day. "You know what? I'd actually love that."

His eyes lit up again and he extended his hand, tangling his fingers with mine. He bought us our drinks and then we sat down at a table by the window. We sat there talking for hours until the sun started setting.

"Oh, I should get home. Thanks for the coffee, Liam." I stood up, grabbing my bag.

"Wait, you think maybe I could get your number?"

Flashback Over

"Oh my God, Liam, I can't believe you got us in here." I muttered to my boyfriend as we walked around backstage at X Factor.

"Well, I am performing here, love."

"Yeah but still, none of the other girlfriends are backstage!"

"Well, you're special." He leaned down to kiss me before he was ushered out onto the stage. I went into the dressing room to watch the performance. The tune to Kiss You came on and I started dancing around as the boys started singing.

"Amber, Liam wants you onstage." Paul called, knocking on the door.

"What? Why?" 

"Just please come with me." He smiled at me, holding out his arm. I gave him a confused look but followed him out. Liam spotted me and smiled as the song ended.

"Everyone, I would like to welcome my girl, Amber, onstage." He turned and held his hand out to me, helping me up onto the stage. "If you didn't already know, Amber is a big fan of the X Factor. We watch it every week and it's sort of our tradition. I brought her to the show today for an early anniversary gift. It will be two years in March."

"Liam, what're you doing?" I whispered as he pulled me into the middle of the stage.

He ignored me, only sitting me down on a stool. "I love you. So much. You're my entire world. You're the only person who can make me laugh when I feel down. You're the one that I want to be with for the rest of my life. So, Amber, will you marry me?" He got down on one knee, pulling out a beautiful ring.

"Oh my God." I muttered, staring at him in shock. "Yes! Of course!" 

He grinned and slid the ring onto my finger before standing up to kiss me. The crowd was going insane at this point, a few girls calling out mean things but it didn't matter. All that mattered was the man in front of me who would soon be my husband.

Author's Note:

There you go, Amber!! I hope you liked it<333

If anyone has any requests, leave them down below!

I'll see you boogles in my next chapter. BYEE!!

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