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Ever since he was a young boy Summer has always been Cedric Diggory's favourite season.

Not because the sky was at its bluest or because every day was the perfect day, not even because summertime produces the most beautiful sunsets all year round.

But it was because summer reminded Cedric of his dearest, closest, and bestest friend, Lily Summers. Sure her name did indeed was literally the name of the season, but it wasn't only because of that, it was everything about her.

She was always so bright and cheery. Her smile could light up any darkness in this world, but she was also terribly feisty when provoked. Her curly hair which she always complained was too big and thick for her small head was fiery red, her big round brown eyes like the centre of a sunflower. Cedric swore that if ever there was a summer nymph, it would surely look like Lily.

Lily and Cedric have been inseparable since infantry. They were like 2 peas in a pod, one was never without the other. It didn't come as a surprise though as both Cedric and Lily's parents have been close friends since their Hogwarts days, even becoming neighbours. The Diggorys and the Summers were like extended family.

Lily and Cedric experienced most of their firsts together. The first time they both walked was when they raced to get the same forever bouncing ball. They first got their scars when they raced again on their sweepers jr. and both fell off their brooms and rolled down a hill (in which both sets of parents nearly had a heart attack), and even lost their first baby tooth together when they took a bite of candy corn cob.

And now, they share yet another wonderful first milestone together as they both shop for their school supplies a day after receiving their acceptance letter (wherein they both received, read and reacted at the same time).

"I can't believe we just shopped for our Hogwarts school materials!" Lily exclaimed as she laid herself back on the grass of her backyard. She felt physically tired from all the walking but she was still emotionally pumped.

"How so? You come from a family of wizards" replied Cedric popping some candied chocolate nibbles in his mouth.

"I know, but still, I couldn't help but feel paranoid thinking of what-ifs? Like what if I'm not worthy enough to be invited and all that."

"Impossible! If anyone deserves to be at Hogwarts it's you!"

Lily smiled. Cedric has always been her number one supporter. She sat back up and looked at him and asked, "what house do you reckon you'd be in?"

"Hmmmm I'm not sure. My dad was in Gryffindor, but my mum was in Hufflepuff, could be either. I don't think I'm smart or ambitious enough to be ing the other two."

"Cedric you are definitely smart enough for Ravenclaw, you're quite determined as well, but I think you'd perfectly suit Hufflepuff. Everything about you screams their trait. Loyal, patient, kind, hardworking."

Cedric chuckled. "You're only saying that because you're my best friend."

"Not to mention incredibly humble!" added Lily and they both laughed. "If you'll be in Hufflepuff, I hope I am too."

"I'm sure you will be Lily. You're the most kind and loyal friend I know."

"You're just saying that because you're my best friend" Lily imitated Cedric's earlier remark and they both laughed again. "Don't you think it's a bit odd though that the sorting hat sorts us into our traits at such young ages? What if our traits change as we grow older? We are still growing kids trying to figure out who we are"

"Since when have you become philosophical?" Cedric asked.

"Since forever. Huh, maybe I should be in Ravenclaw." Lily thought.

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