Chapter 14 - Anniversary

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It was that day of that year.

Lily wore one of her nicest dresses, styled her hair and make-up, making herself look extra pretty.

She's already taken the whole day off as she does every year.

She brought her bouquet of flowers and made her way.

On her way though, she met one of her co-workers. "Lily! Fancy seeing you here."

"Hi, Lily" Said the other boy.

"Oh, hello Mrs Reltop, Neville. I'm assuming you're out here for sourcing ingredients?" Lily asked. Lily was in the medical field, but not a healer. She was in charge of creating new healing potions and spells.

Mrs. Reltop was the senior herbologist in their company, and Neville was her mentee. They were in charge of handling any plant-based ingredients needed by them.

"Yes, and you?" Mrs. Reltop asked.

"I'm on my day off actually."

"Oh no wonder you look so pretty! I'm guessing you have a date now don't you?"

Lily smiled shyly, "Yes, I do."

"Well, better be off then. Wouldn't want your date to worry waiting for you. I'll see you Monday, Lily!"

Lily waved and went her way. She's been on her 'date' before, but somehow, today always made her feel a bit more nervous than usual.

She walked and walked, until finally she arrived.

Gripping the bouquet tightly in her hand. She looked up to see the name 'Cedric Diggory'.

She took a deep breath, smiled....

...and opened the door.

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