Chapter 16 - Cottage

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Lily had no energy and will to return to her flat. She didn't want to see Cedric dying, but she couldn't stay away from him either, so she decided to stay in her family's house.

No one disturbed her, they all understood that she needed time and space.

It was heart-wrenching what she was going through. Waiting, and dreading for when she hears the screams and the cries of the Diggorys. She felt like dying herself.

It was late in the afternoon. A part of her just wanted all of this to be done so she could just start her mourning. They say knowing when someone will die was easier since one is more prepared and ready.

But it didn't feel easy for Lily. Each second that passed felt like a dagger slowly plunging into her heart. It was slow torture.

She stared at the ceiling, waiting and waiting, when suddenly her sister barged in.

Lily sat up straight, and seeing the wide-eyed look of Iris made her dry, stinging eyes water again knowing it was done.

"No, Lily, you have to come." Iris said almost in a rushed whisper.

Lily shook her head. She can't bear to see Cedric lifeless, not again.

"Trust me, Lily, we have to go. Hurry"

Trusting her sister, Lily hurriedly made her way to the Diggory house. When she reached Cedric's room he was surrounded both by his and her family. They were crying, but....

When they heard Iris and Lily enter, they all parted and when Lily saw him, she felt everything just stop.

Cedric was sitting up, looking at her.

"Missed me?" He asked teasingly. His voice was hoarse.

Lily couldn't move, she wasn't even blinking, nor did she even dare to breathe.

"Lily? It's alright, Cedric's alright." She heard someone say. She couldn't even look away from Cedric, fearing that it was all a dream, and that one move might make it all disappear.

"Lily" Cedric called to her, and this time she knew. She knew it was real.

She ran towards him and hugged him, it took every bit of her to not hug him too tightly as he felt fragile under her arms.

Lily cried, her tear-stained face covered by fresh new ones. She couldn't believe it, her Cedric woke up!

"H-how is this even...." Lily pulled away to look at him, her hands resting on his hollow cheeks.

"Because of you, Lily" Cedric replied.

"What?" Lily asked, her eyes still filled with water.

Cedric looked at the people who were looking at him with tear-filled eyes, looked at the empty potion bottle beside his pillow then looked back at Lily. "The potion that you gave me, it worked."

"It did? It did!" Lily exclaimed. He hugged her again crying happy tears.

For the following days, Cedric was quickly healing and getting back to normal. Thank goodness for magical medicine that it was easier and quicker for them to heal. 

Lily would visit Cedric whenever she could and was extremely overjoyed, but deep within her, there was a feeling she couldn't shake off.

"All done?" Iris asked as she entered Lily's room.

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